January 2019

Let’s call it tidysearch

January 23, 2019 | Jamie Lendrum

R became 25 years old last year, and yet it’s only in relatively recent years that the language has really taken off with numerous conferences every year driven by a passionate and vibrant community of users. A large part of this has been driven by a... [Read more...]

Animating Data Transformations III – separate()

January 23, 2019 | Eric Hare

We recently have published two blogs on animating data transformations. The first, Animating Data Transformations, illustrated the spread() and gather() functions for going between wide and tall representations of data. The second, Animating Data Transformations II, covered the unnest() function for transforming a list column into a one value per ...
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Le Monde puzzle [#1081]

January 23, 2019 | xi'an

A “he said-she said” Le Monde mathematical puzzle (again in the spirit of the famous Singapore high-school birthdate problem): Abigail and Corentin are both given a positive integer, a and b, such that a+b is either 19 or 20. They are asked one after the other and repeatedly if they are ...
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Introduction to Data Analysis in RStudio

January 23, 2019 | melliferrari

I’ve just started doing one of my favourite parts of my job – teaching a term of Data Analysis in R to about three hundred Bioscientists in their first year of higher education. My blog last week included a figure of their expected level of enjoyment: However,  I find they ...
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LondonR calling

January 23, 2019 | Kasia Kulma

It’s the New Year and we’re kicking off 2019 with our first LondonR! The meetup took place on the 15th of January, and we were delighted to have about 100 people in attendance. With excellent speakers lined-up and a free bar for networking, we started 2019 with a BANG! Please find ...
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If wealth had anything to do with intelligence…

January 23, 2019 | Learning Machines

…the richest man on earth would have a fortune of no more than $43,000! If you don’t believe me read this post! Have you ever thought about the distribution of wealth as a function of some quality? Especially rich people pride themselves on extraordinary abilities, so that they somehow “deserve” ... [Read more...]

Introduction to sparklyr

January 22, 2019 | Modeling with R

Introduction Installing sparklyr Installing spark Connecting to spark Importing data Manipulating data Disconnecting saving data Example of modeling in spark Streaming Introduction The programming language R has very powerful tools and functions to do almost every thing we want to do, such as wrangling , visualizing, modeling…etc. However, R such ...
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Why Management Loves Overfitting

January 22, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

Why Management Loves Overfitting The role of a data scientist involves building and fine-tuning of models and improve processes and products in various business areas. Typical use cases involve marketing campaigns, customer churn prediction or fraud d...
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Why Management Loves Overfitting

January 22, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

Why Management Loves Overfitting The role of a data scientist involves building and fine-tuning of models and improve processes and products in various business areas. Typical use cases involve marketing campaigns, customer churn prediction or fraud d...
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Why Management Loves Overfitting

January 22, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

The role of a data scientist involves building and fine-tuning of models and improve processes and products in various business areas. Typical use cases involve marketing campaigns, customer churn prediction or fraud detection. Trained models should... [Read more...]

Why Management Loves Overfitting

January 22, 2019 | Quantargo Blog

The role of a data scientist involves building and fine-tuning of models and improve processes and products in various business areas. Typical use cases involve marketing campaigns, customer churn prediction or fraud detection. Trained models should... [Read more...]

Onboard and Offboard Data Manipulation in Flexdashboard

January 22, 2019 | R Views

Harrison Schramm is a Professional Statistician and Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. The Shiny set of tools, and, by extension, Flexdashboard, give professional analysts tools to rapidly put interactive versions of their work in the hands of clients. Frequently, an end user will interact ... [Read more...]

RStudio Server on Azure

January 22, 2019 | David Smith

RStudio Server Pro is now available on the Azure Marketplace, the company announced on the RStudio Blog earlier this month. This means you can launch RStudio Server Pro on an virtual machine with the memory, disk, and CPU configuration of your choice, and pay by the minute for the VM ...
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Image Dithering in R

January 22, 2019 | Rasmus Bååth

This January I played the most intriguing computer game I’ve played in ages: The Return of the Obra Dinn. Except for being a masterpiece of murder-mystery storytelling it also has the most unique art-style as it only uses black and white pixels. To... [Read more...]

Tibbles, checking examples, & character encodings

January 22, 2019 | Gavin L. Simpson

Recently I’ve been preparing my gratia package for submission to CRAN. During my pre-flight testing I noticed an issue under Windows checking the examples in the package against the reference output I generated on linux. In the latest release of the tibble package, the way tibbles are printed has ... [Read more...]

What’s the deal with wind chill?

January 22, 2019 | dan

WIND SPEEDS UP HEAT LOSS Twenty years ago, a German colleague asked me what the deal was with wind chill. I guess they didn’t have it in Germany. I explained it was an attempt to communicate how it feels when there is a low temperature combined with wind.  But ... [Read more...]

rstudio::conf 2019

January 22, 2019 | hfrick

Last week RStudio hosted their conference, rstudio::conf, in Austin and a whole lot of members of the R community came to see what’s new, where the community and the field might be heading and to enjoy tacos. R in production A major theme from this conference was R ... [Read more...]
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