Articles by Jamie Lendrum

Can Genealogical data be tidy?

December 29, 2019 | Jamie Lendrum

Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way — Leo Tolstoy Like families, tidy datasets are all alike but every messy dataset is messy in its own way — Hadley Wickham In this post, I’ll be exploring how genealo... [Read more...]

What’s in a package?

December 24, 2019 | Jamie Lendrum

Happy Christmas! The holiday season has got me thinking about how discovering a new R package is like receiving a Christmas gift…you’re not quite sure what’s inside, but you’re hoping it’ll enrich your programming or analysis life in some way! In this short blog post ... [Read more...]

Use the k-means clustering, Luke

July 6, 2019 | Jamie Lendrum

In my last post I scraped some character statistics from the mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. In this post, I’ll be aiming to try out k-means clustering in order to see if it comes out with an intuitive result, and to learn how to integrate this kind ...
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Experimentation with Unsupervised Learning

July 3, 2019 | Jamie Lendrum

Motivation I’ve written before about my learning plans, which always seem to be in a state of flux, and in particular learning about machine learning. Part of the reason why I’m so reticent is because I’m a mathematician and statistics does not come natural or easy for ...
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Are R ecosystems the future?

March 17, 2019 | Jamie Lendrum

Some random thoughts… Over the past 6 months I’ve been creating, refining, and delivering a variety of ‘Introduction to R’ training courses. The more I do this, the more I come to the view that not nearly enough is made of taking an ecosystem-oriented view to packages. A good way ... [Read more...]

Let’s call it tidysearch

January 23, 2019 | Jamie Lendrum

R became 25 years old last year, and yet it’s only in relatively recent years that the language has really taken off with numerous conferences every year driven by a passionate and vibrant community of users. A large part of this has been driven by a... [Read more...]

Mapping homelessness in England

September 12, 2018 | Jamie Lendrum

Introduction Data wrangling Initial analysis The painful part Introduction For this blog post, I decided to try to find a dataset covering an issue I feel quite strongly about - homelessness. I managed to find a fairly large dataset from the Cambridgeshire Insight website. For a while I’ve wanted ...
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Portsmouth R User Group – 2nd Meeting

July 24, 2018 | Jamie Lendrum

Last month I attended my first ever R User Group meeting, which was held at the University of Portsmouth in their impressive Future Technology Centre. I’d been itching to go to one of these meetups for a while, but unfortunately there was nothing in the South of England, so ...
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Learning some tough lessons!

March 20, 2018 | Jamie Lendrum

It’s been a while since I’ve posted - mainly because I got myself into a mess with Git and I’ve been putting off trying to sort it out. I’ve been wanting to post about htmlwidgets for a while now, and in my naivity I thought I’... [Read more...]

Embarking on nested dataframes

January 20, 2018 | Jamie Lendrum

In a recent sprint, I was faced with the problem of carrying out analysis on data extracted from a database where there were several instances of the same table type and I wanted to do the same tasks on each of them. I know enough about the tidyverse to realise ... [Read more...]

If at first you don’t succeed…

January 6, 2018 | Jamie Lendrum

After having some time to ponder the issues I was having in my last post, I’m pleased to say that all three are resolved, or at least partially to my immediate satisfaction. First off, I managed to get Netlify to automatically build my website for me, thanks to the ... [Read more...]

Sometimes learning is not fun

January 1, 2018 | Jamie Lendrum

Happy New Year! I’ve spent the time between Christmas and New Year being more productive than I would usually be, trying things out in R, some (relatively) successfully, others…not so much. I thought it would be worth writing about how embarking on Data Science isn’t all plain ... [Read more...]


December 27, 2017 | Jamie Lendrum

Welcome to my blog! A brief introduction to me is on the About page - head over there now before reading on! So I’ve been a Data Scientist for about 6 months now and already I feel like I’ve been on quite a journey. Below is a summary of ... [Read more...]

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