Articles by tomaztsql

Advent of Code 2019 challenge with R

December 8, 2019 | tomaztsql

I have decided to tackle this year’s Advent Of Code using R (more or less). I know there are more preferred languages, such as Python, C#, Java, JavaScript, Go, Kotlin, C++, Elixir, but it was worth trying. Into the 8th…Read more ›
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Hangman game with R

November 19, 2019 | tomaztsql

Hangman is a classic word game in which you need to need to guess as many possible letters in word, so you can guess the word, before running out of tries (lives). Upon running out of tries, you are hanged!…Read more ›
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Number 6174 or Kaprekar constant in R

February 20, 2019 | tomaztsql

Not always is the answer 42 as explained in Hitchhiker’s guide. Sometimes it is also 6174. Kaprekar number is one of those gems, that makes Mathematics fun. Indian recreational mathematician D.R.Kaprekar, found number 6174 – also known as Kaprekar constant…Read more ›
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Installing R using Powershell

February 18, 2019 | tomaztsql

Installing R from scratch and creating your favorite IDE setup is especially useful when making fresh installation or when you are developing and testing out different versions. This blogpost will guide you through some essential steps (hopefully, there will not…Read more ›
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R null values: NULL, NA, NaN, Inf

July 4, 2018 | tomaztsql

R language supports several null-able values and it is relatively important to understand how these values behave, when making data pre-processing and data munging. In general, R supports: NULL NA NaN Inf / -Inf NULL is an object and is returned when an expression or function results in an undefined value. ...
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Native scoring in SQL Server 2017 using R

May 28, 2018 | tomaztsql

Native scoring is a much overlooked feature in SQL Server 2017 (available only under Windows and only on-prem), that provides scoring and predicting in pre-build and stored machine learning models in near real-time.                                                                                              Icons made by Smashicons from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY   Depending on the definition of ...
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Using R in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

March 4, 2018 | tomaztsql

SQL Server Reporting services (SSRS) is an outstanding tool for creating, deploying and managing paginated, mobile, KPI reports as well as Power BI reports. Tool provides simple way to share and get data insights in your corporate environment. (Photo source: Microsoft docs) Using the privileges of R language to enrich ...
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R or Python? Python or R? The ongoing debate.

January 28, 2018 | tomaztsql

On every SQL community event, where there could be a cluster of sessions dedicated to BI or analytics, I would have people asking me, “which one would you recommend?” or “which one I  prefer?” So, questions about recommendation and preferences are in my opinion the hardest one. And not that ...
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Robust IRIS Dataset?

October 25, 2017 | tomaztsql

This blog post was born out of pure curiosity about the robustness of the IRIS Dataset. Biological datasets do not need to be that big in comparison to datasets of customers, consumption, stock and anything that might be volatile. When still at the university, on one occasion I can remember, ...
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Passing two SQL queries to sp_execute_external_script

July 25, 2017 | tomaztsql

Recently, I got a question on one of my previous blog posts, if there is possibility to pass two queries in same run-time as an argument to external procedure sp_execute_external_script. Some of the  arguments of the procedure sp_execute_external_script are enumerated. This is valid for ...
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