Articles by Tim Salabim

mapview 1.0.0 now on CRAN

December 16, 2015 | Tim Salabim

we are happy to announce that mapview 1.0.0 has been released on CRAN. Together with Florian Detsch (R, Rcpp), Christoph Reudenbach (js) and Stefan Woellauer (js) we have put together a powerful tool for on-the-fly mapping of spatial data during … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Introducing the ‘gimms’ package

October 14, 2015 | Tim Salabim

This is a guest post by Florian Detsch What it is all about With the most recent update of the AVHRR GIMMS data collection to NDVI3g (Pinzon and Tucker, 2014), we decided to create a package from all functions we … Continue reading →
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mapview 0.5.0

September 13, 2015 | Tim Salabim

I have put some more effort into mapview. The current version 0.5.0 has some new features which make the whole experience much more user-friendly. In a nutshell, changes/additions are as follows: mapView() is now also defined for SpatialPixelsDataFrame all Spatial … Continue reading →
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remote update, paper & poster

June 26, 2015 | Tim Salabim

Just a few quick lines today to announce an update to the remote package (1.0.0 now on CRAN) We have uploaded a first major release of remote to CRAN a couple of weeks ago. Most relevant changes are: bottleneck functions … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Unsupervised Google Maps image classification

May 19, 2015 | Tim Salabim

This is a guest post by Florian Detsch Prerequisites Required packages First, we need to (install and) load some packages required for data processing and visualization. The below code is mainly based on the Rsenal package, which is a steadily … Continue reading →
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remote is the new Reot

January 3, 2015 | Tim Salabim

If you have used Reot before and tried to install it from CRAN recently, you may have noticed the following message: Warning in install.packages : package ‘Reot’ is not available (for R version 3.0.2) This is because the Reot package … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Reot: Empirical Orthogonal Teleconnections in R

April 18, 2014 | Tim Salabim

We are happy to introduce Reot, an R package designed for empirical orthogonal teleconnection (EOT) analysis of gridded geo-scientific space-time data based on the method by van den Dool et al. (2000). EOT denotes a regression-based approach to decompose spatio-temporal … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Update to metvurst

August 23, 2013 | Tim Salabim

Here's a quick update to metvurst in response to some issues encountered over the last weeks. The most important change is that the strip() function now returns the plot object rather than printing it. This means that we can work … Continue reading → [Read more...]

resizing plot panels to fit data distribution

March 3, 2013 | Tim Salabim

I am a big fan of lattice/latticeExtra. In fact, nearly all visualisations I have produced so far make use of this great package. The possibilities for customisation are endless and the amount of flexibility it provides is especially valuable for … Continue reading → [Read more...]

visualising diurnal wind climatologies

March 3, 2013 | Tim Salabim

In this post I want to highlight the second core function of the metvurst repository ( The windContours function It is intended to provide a compact overview of the wind field climatology at a location and plots wind direction and … Continue reading → [Read more...]

renaming data frame columns in lists

March 3, 2013 | Tim Salabim

OK, so the scenario is as follows: we have a list of 2 elements which in turn are again lists with 2 elements (each of which is a data frame). None of the elements in question carry names (neither the … Continue reading → [Read more...]
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