
MCMSki IV (call for proposals)

October 15, 2012 | xi'an

The next MCMSki IV conference will for the first time host contributed sessions as well as invited sessions. The scientific committee thus welcomes proposals for contributed talks and even more for contributed sessions. Contributed talks are scheduled to last 20 minutes, plus questions, and contributed sessions one hour and a half, ... [Read more...]

useR! 2012 Conference

April 25, 2012 | ricckli

“Spatial data is, quite literally, everwhere” (Barry Rowlingson) this is so true! And because of that you guys will have the chance to take part in a great tutroial on using R for managing geospatial data, transforming, making maps and working with OGC standards. So visit this years useR! conference ... [Read more...]

Ulrike Gromping – Design of Experiments in R

August 16, 2011 | csgillespie

Example: Car seat occupation: Algorithm must decide whether airbag opens: Must open for adult but not for small child or if the seat if empty a few others I missed. Key questions are: What type of design: 32 run regular fractional factorial Response measurement – depends on dummy position, so repeat for 3 ... [Read more...]

High Performance Computing

August 16, 2011 | csgillespie

Wilem Ligtenberg – GPU computing and R Why GPU computing – theoretical GFLOPs for a GPU is three times greater than a CPU. Use GPUs for same instruction multiple data problems (SIMD). Initially GPUs were developed for texture problems. For example, a wall smashed into lots of pieces. Each core handled a ... [Read more...]

Kaleidoscope Ic (useR! 2011)

August 16, 2011 | csgillespie

These are my rough notes on the Kaleidoscope Ic session. David Smith – The R Ecosystem (useR! 2011) David Smith works for Revolution Analytics. Quick overview of the R project – useR, r-journal, and r-forge. Social media starting to play a part in R – Google+, twitter, stackoverflow, and the traditional R mailing list. ... [Read more...]

Outlier Detection with DPM Slides from JSM 2011

August 5, 2011 | BioStatMatt

Here are the 14 slides I used during my talk at the Joint Statistical Meetings 2011: shotwell-jsm-2011.pdf. I'm trying hard to minimize the text in my presentation slides. But, this usually requires that I practice more. Hence, you will know which talks I have practiced thoroughly by the amount of text ... [Read more...]

Rcpp at Geneva-R

March 2, 2011 | romain francois

I'll present Rcpp at the inaugural Geneva-R meeting. Geneva-R is an informal gathering of R enthusiasts sponsored by Mango Solutions, that builds on the success of London-R, where I presented twice, and Basel-R [Read more...]

Local R User Group Panel from useR! 2010 (Video)

July 24, 2010 | Drew Conway

As I mentioned last week, I will be hosting videos of several of the keynote speakers from this year’s useR! 2010 conference at the video Rchive. As it happens, the first video I was able to upload was the panel discussion we held on starting local R user groups. I ... [Read more...]

userR! 2010 Videos to be Hosted at Rchive

July 20, 2010 | Drew Conway

Today, I am packing up the car and heading south to my old home, Washington, DC, for the useR! 2010 conference, which is being held at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Incidentally, where I was an intern in the Information Technology Lab during college. If you are not able ... [Read more...]

Rmetrics slides

June 30, 2010 | romain francois

I presented Rcpp at the Rmetrics conference earlier today, this was a really good opportunity to look back at all the work Dirk and I have been commiting into Rcpp. I've uploaded my slides here (pdf) and on slideshare : Rcpp: Seemless R and C++V... [Read more...]

June 20, online Registration deadline for useR! 2010

June 13, 2010 | Tal Galili

useR!2010 is coming. I am going to give two talks there (I will write more of that soon), but in the meantime, please note that the online registration deadline is coming to an end. This was published on the R-help mailing list today: ————- The final registration deadline for the ... [Read more...]

Rmetrics 2010

May 28, 2010 | romain francois

The 4th User/Developer Meeting on computational Finance and Financial Engineering (Rmetrics 2010) will take place once again in Meielisalp. This is the first time I'll attend the conference, but I'm not coming empty handed. I'll present the wo...
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Course in San Antonio, Texas

March 18, 2010 | xi'an

Yesterday, I gave my short (3 hours) introduction to computational Bayesian statistics to a group of 25-30 highly motivated students. I managed to cover “only” the first three chapters, as I included some material on Bayes factor approximation and only barely reached Metropolis-Hastings. Here are the slides, modified from the original ... [Read more...]

LondonR slides

November 9, 2009 | romain francois

I was in london last week to present RemoteREngine at the LondonR user group sponsored by mango solutions. Apart from minor technical details and upsetting someone because I did not mention that he once presented a much simpler solution to a quit... [Read more...]

My mi presentation at the useR! 2009

August 4, 2009 | Yu-Sung Su

I have been to many conferences. Most of them are of Political Science. The common feature of these conferences is that the audience size is always small. If you get 10 audiences in your panel, your must be a big name.My presentation at the useR! 20... [Read more...]

useR! 2009 conference, Rennes, France

August 2, 2009 | Yu-Sung Su

Since my last attendance of the useR conference in Vienna, Austria, I have always wanted to go back. However, the high registration fee was always the factor that chills me off.This year, I am taking advantage of my last year as the student (the regis... [Read more...]
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