MCMSki IV (call for proposals)
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The next MCMSki IV conference will for the first time host contributed sessions as well as invited sessions. The scientific committee thus welcomes proposals for contributed talks and even more for contributed sessions. Contributed talks are scheduled to last 20 minutes, plus questions, and contributed sessions one hour and a half, including questions, which corresponds to 4 talks or 3 talks and a discussant.
Proposals should be sent to me, Christian Robert, before March 20, 2013, and includes the name of the speaker(s), the title of the talk(s), and a short 5-15 lines abstract(s). All speakers in a contributed session must be contacted and give their agreement prior to the submission of a session, obviously. The scientific committee will then evaluate the proposals and notify the session organiser/the speaker before April 20, 2013. We remind everyone that MCMSki IV will also schedule two evening poster sessions in the best tradition of the Valencia and MCMSki meetings, sessions in which everyone is welcome to present.
Topics for the proposals include “Big Data issues”, “computationally intensive Bayesian applications”, “probabilistic advances for MC methods”, “variance reduction techniques and Rao-Blackwellisation”, “MC for non-parametric Bayes inference “, “adaptive MC”, “interacting MC”, “INLA”, and “ABC”.
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