Archive Projects

December 23, 2023 |

-мобильные флаеры-система чат-ботов для социальных сетей распознающих естественный язык-мобильные приложения по казино/ставкамСтек технологий:Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS, MySQL,php, nginx, php-fpm, node.js,pm2,react-native NLP алгоритмы, нейронные сети,ph... [Read more...]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024!

December 23, 2023 | YoungStatS

Dear Followers of the YoungStatS project, Dear All! It has been another intense year for our project, including 4 novel One World YoungStatS webinars, 12 blogposts from leading authors in various areas of statistics and data science, probability an... [Read more...]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024!

December 23, 2023 | YoungStatS

Dear Followers of the YoungStatS project, Dear All! It has been another intense year for our project, including 4 novel One World YoungStatS webinars, 12 blogposts from leading authors in various areas of statistics and data science, probability an...
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December 22, 2023 |

Projects for STC: module for Speach Recognition system [Read more...]

qeML Example: Nonparametric Quantile Regression

December 22, 2023 | matloff

In this post, I will first introduce the concept of quantile regression (QR), a powerful technique that is rarely taught in stat courses. I’ll give an example from the quantreg package, and then will show how qeML can be used to do model-free QR estimation. Along the way, I ... [Read more...]

Assessing relationships with correlograms

December 21, 2023 | R | Adi Sarid

We often find ourselves with a complex dataset containing numerous variables. One of the initial steps in the discovery phase - the initial analysis where you get familiar with the data - is using correlations to understand the relationships between the variables. A good tool for getting a quick glimpse ...
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non-equi joins in data.table

December 21, 2023 | HighlandR

I have been toying with some of the advent of code challenges (I am way behind though!). For day 5, I had to create a function, and I’m writing this up, because it’s an example of a non-equi join between two tables. In this particular sitat... [Read more...]

Time constraints in the mlr3 ecosystem

December 20, 2023 | Marc Becker

Scope Setting time limits is an important consideration when tuning unreliable or unstable learning algorithms and when working on shared computing resources. The mlr3 ecosystem provides several mechanisms for setting time constraints for indivi... [Read more...]

Create New Variables in R with dplyr

December 20, 2023 | Zubair Goraya

Key TakeawaysThe mutate function from the dplyr package allows you to create new variables or modify existing variables in a data frame or a tibble in R.The variants of mutate, such as mutate_all, mutate_at, mutate_if, and mutate_across, allow you to a...
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Comparing many Models with Fast Regression

December 20, 2023 | Selcuk Disci

The banking sector has risen since the passing of the orthodox economic policies in Turkey. This article will analyze and model an exchange-traded fund tracking the Turkish banking index for projection for the upcoming year. The anomaly plot of the fund prices confirms that shifting the policies has recently moved ...
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PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R

December 19, 2023 | Numbers around us

# 139–140Puzzles:PQ_139: content filePQ_140: content fileI noticed that usually Power Query puzzles are about time. Does it really a case in PQ that time related calculations are hard or tricky?PQ_139In this puzzle we have to extract informations about...
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