April 2020


April 3, 2020 | R on OSM

In our last post, we discussed using the historical average return as one method for setting capital market expectations prior to constructing a satisfactory portfolio. We glossed over setting expectations for future volatility, mainly because it is such a thorny issue. However, we read an excellent tutorial on GARCH models ...
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April 3, 2020 | HighlandR

fast, flexible census tables - Counting patients is hard Blimey. It’s over 3 years since I collaborated with Neil Pettinger on some plots to demonstrate patient flow, using R. What started out as a supposed quick blog post morphed into sever... [Read more...]


April 3, 2020 | HighlandR

fast, flexible census tables - Counting patients is hard Blimey. It’s over 3 years since I collaborated with Neil Pettinger on some plots to demonstrate patient flow, using R. What started out as a supposed quick blog post morphed into sev...
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COVID-19 shiny / plotly dashboard

April 3, 2020 | Sebastian Wolf

Governments and COVID-19: Which one stops it faster, better, has fewer people dying? These questions get answered with my dashboard. A contribution to the shiny-contest: https://community.rstudio.com/t/material-design-corona-covid-19-dashboard-2020-shiny-contest-submission/59690 Intro COVID-19 is the […]
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COVID-19 shiny / plotly dashboard

April 3, 2020 | Sebastian Wolf

Governments and COVID-19: Which one stops it faster, better, has fewer people dying? These questions get answered with my dashboard. A contribution to the shiny-contest: https://community.rstudio.com/t/material-design-corona-covid-19-dashboard-2020-shiny-contest-submission/59690 Intro How did Corona spread? Using the animation feature of R-shiny this can be easily tracked.COVID-19 ...
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C is for coalesce

April 3, 2020 | Unknown

For the letter C, we'll talk about the coalesce function. If you're familiar with SQL, you may have seen this function before. It combines two or more variables into a single column, and is a way to deal with missing data. When you give it a list of va...
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B is for bind_rows

April 2, 2020 | Unknown

Moving on to the letter B, today we'll talk about merging datasets that contain the same variables but add new cases. This is easily done with bind_rows. Let's say I realized I forgot to log some of the books I read last year, and I wanted to merge tho...
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poorman: First Release of a base R dplyr Clone

April 1, 2020 | Random R Ramblings

Introduction The first official release of poorman (v 0.1.9) is now on CRAN! You can now install poorman directly from CRAN with the following code:
In this blog post I want to address some common questions that I have received since I started writing the package. What is poorman? poorman ... [Read more...]

Relational data models in R

April 1, 2020 | Patrick Schratz, Kirill Müller

Relational databases are a very powerful tool for analyzing and manipulating data. However, many modeling workflows require a great deal of time and effort for wrangling data from databases into a flat data frame or table format. Only then the actual data analysis can start.
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Relational data models in R

April 1, 2020 | Patrick Schratz, Kirill Müller

Relational databases are a very powerful tool for analyzing and manipulating data. However, many modeling workflows require a great deal of time and effort for wrangling data from databases into a flat data frame or table format. Only then the actual data analysis can start.
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COVID-19 decease animation map

April 1, 2020 | Michael

Coronavirus decease in France# Animation carto décès COVID 19 France # avec lissage # sources ----------------------------------------------------------------- # https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/donnees-hospitalieres-relatives-a-lepidemie-de-covid-19/ fichier_covid % group_by(dep) %__% summarise(deces = sum(dc, na.rm = TRUE), reanim = sum(rea, na.rm = TRUE), hospit = sum(hosp, na.rm = TRUE)), by = c("insee_... [Read more...]
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