April 2018

R Tip: Think in Terms of Values

April 2, 2018 | John Mount

R tip: first organize your tasks in terms of data, values, and desired transformation of values, not initially in terms of concrete functions or code. I know I write a lot about coding in R. But it is in the service of supporting statistics, analysis, predictive analytics, and data science. ... [Read more...]

More Options For Querying DNS From R with

April 1, 2018 | hrbrmstr

You have to have been living under a rock to not know about Cloudflare’s new DNS offering. I won’t go into “privacy”, “security” or “speed” concepts in this post since that’s a pretty huge topic to distill for folks given the, now, plethora of confusing (and pretty ...
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Performance: Avoid Coercing Indices To Doubles

April 1, 2018 | JottR on R

x[idxs + 1] or x[idxs + 1L]? That is the question. Assume that we have a vector $x$ of $n = 100,000$ random values, e.g. __ n x idxs y y typeof(idxs) [1] "integer" __ typeof(idxs + 1) [1] "double" __ typeof(1) [1] "double" Note also that doubles (aka “numerics” in R) take up twice the amount of ...
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backed by data

April 1, 2018 | HighlandR

Minmising risk of delayed departure - This post is an attempt to answer this question: https://community.rstudio.com/t/how-to-answer-a-question-without-statistical-tests-but-is-backed-by-data/3711 It was a pretty interesting question, and I...
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Bump Chart

April 1, 2018 | Data Science 42

Track performance over time - A Bump Chart is a special form of a line plot. This kind of plot is designed for exploring changes in rank over time. The focus here is usually on comparing the position or performance of multiple observation...
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