Articles by Carson Sievert

Visualizing geo-spatial data with sf and plotly

April 2, 2018 | Carson Sievert

Need help with R, data viz, and/or stats? Work with me or attend my 2 day workshop! In my last post, we explored interactive visualizations of simple features (i.e., interactive maps) via ggplot2’s geom_sf() and plotly’s ggplotly(). This time we’ll make similar visualizations using plotly’...
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plotly 4.7.1 now on CRAN

September 10, 2017 | Carson Sievert

I’m excited to announce that plotly 4.7.1 is now on CRAN! Along with some important bug fixes and numerous improvements to the underlying plotly.js library, this release includes an exciting new R-specific feature — the ability to modify (i.e., update without a full redraw) an existing plotly graph inside ... [Read more...]

plotly 4.7.0 now on CRAN

May 30, 2017 | Carson Sievert

I’m super excited about plotly 4.7.0 – it includes numerous improvements and new features related to performance, mapping, and API requests. It also includes support for something folks have wanted for a very long time – fixed coordinates via ggplotly()! In other words, if you use coord_equal(), coord_fixed(), etc to ... [Read more...]

plotly 4.6.0 now on CRAN

April 25, 2017 | Carson Sievert

I’m super excited to announce that plotly 4.6.0 is now on CRAN! Go ahead and install it with: install.packages("plotly") This release brings a ton of new features and improvements — some of which are over in the year making. I recently held a webinar introducing the biggest features, including ...
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