March 2014

Alternatives to model diagnostics for statistical inference?

March 28, 2014 | BioStatMatt

Consider the problem of making statistical inferences, as opposed to predictions. The product of statistical inference is a probabilistic statement about a population quantity, for example a 100(1-)% confidence interval for a population median. In this context, the principal reason for diagnostics is to comfort ourselves about the quality of ... [Read more...]

R Training for SAS users in Singapore and online

March 28, 2014 | David Smith

Revolution Analytics has just introduced a 10-module series of R courses in Singapore. If you'd like to learn how to do data analysis in R, already know data analysis in another language like SAS and want to transition to R, or just want to enhance your R skills in a ... [Read more...]

Slopegraphs | rCharts –> maybe finance versions

March 28, 2014 | klr

Back in 2011, Charlie Park did two very thorough posts on Edward Tufte’s table graphics or slopegraphs. These type graphics can provide very effective visualizations of ... [Read more...]

Circular Migration Flow Plots in R

March 28, 2014 | gjabel

A article of mine was published in Science today. It introduces estimates for bilateral global migration flows between all countries. The underlying methodology is based on the conditional maximisation routine in my Demographic Research paper. However, I tweaked the demographic … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Why use R? Five reasons.

March 27, 2014 | Francis Smart

In this post I will go through 5 reasons: zero cost, crazy popularity, awesome power, dazzling flexibility, and mind-blowing support. I believe R is the best statistical programming language to learn. As a blogger who has contributed over 150 posts in Stata and over 100 in R I have extensive experience with both ... [Read more...]

Bayesian Data Analysis [BDA3]

March 27, 2014 | xi'an

Andrew Gelman and his coauthors, John Carlin, Hal Stern, David Dunson, Aki Vehtari, and Don Rubin, have now published the latest edition of their book Bayesian Data Analysis. David and Aki are newcomers to the authors’ list, with an extended section on non-linear and non-parametric models. I have been asked ...
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More fun with %.% and %>%

March 27, 2014 | mrtnj

The %.% operator in dplyr allows one to put functions together without lots of nested parentheses. The flanking percent signs are R’s way of denoting infix operators; you might have used %in% which corresponds to the match function or %*% which is matrix multiplication. The %.% operator is also called chain, and ... [Read more...]

Blurry Fractals

March 27, 2014 | aschinchon

Beauty is the first test; there is no permanent place in the world for ugly mathematics (G. H. Hardy) Newton basin fractals are the result of iterating Newton’s method to find roots of a polynomial over the complex plane. It maybe sound a bit complicated but is actually quite ... [Read more...]

Alluvial diagrams

March 27, 2014 | Michał

Parallel coordinates plot is one of the tools for visualizing multivariate data. Every observation in a dataset is represented with a polyline that crosses a set of parallel axes corresponding to variables in the dataset. You can create such plots in R using a function parcoord in package MASS. For ... [Read more...]

R User Group Activity for Q1 2014

March 27, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert Worldwide R user group activity for the first Quarter of 2014 appears to be way up compared to previous years as the following plot shows. The plot was built by counting the meetings on Revolution Analytics R Community Calendar. R users continue to value the live, in person ... [Read more...]

GIS in R: Part 1

March 27, 2014 | Patrick

I messed around with R for years without really learning how to use it properly. I think it’s because I could always throw my hands up when the going got tough and run back and cling the skirts of Excel or JMP or Systat. I finally learned how to ... [Read more...]

Filtering Data with L1 Regularisation

March 27, 2014 | andrew

A few days ago I posted about Filtering Data with L2 Regularisation. Today I am going to explore the other filtering technique described in the paper by Tung-Lam Dao. This is similar to the filter discussed in my previous post, but uses a slightly different objective function: where the regularisation ... [Read more...]

sjPlot 1.3 available #rstats #sjPlot

March 27, 2014 | Daniel

I just submitted my package update (version 1.3) to CRAN. The download is already available (currently source, binaries follow). While the last two updates included new functions for table outputs (see here and here for details on these functions), the current update only provides small helper functions as new functions. The ... [Read more...]
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