May 2013

Interfacing XTide and R

May 17, 2013 | Luke Miller

XTide is an open-source program that predicts tide heights and current speeds for hundreds of tide and current stations around the United States. It can be used to produce tide predictions in the past and future for a site at your chosen interval (down... [Read more...]

Unit conversion in R

May 17, 2013 | Karsten W.

Last weekend I submitted an update of my R package datamart to CRAN. It has been more than a half year since the last update, however there are only minor advances. The package is still in its early stages, and very experimental.One new feature is the function uconv. Think ... [Read more...]

Chutes & ladders: How long is this going to take?

May 17, 2013 | Karl Broman

I was playing Chutes & Ladders with my four-year-old daughter yesterday, and I thought, “How long is this going to take?” I saw an interesting mathematical analysis of the game a few years ago, but it seems to be offline, though you can read it via the wayback machine. But that ... [Read more...]

R 3.0.1 released

May 17, 2013 | David Smith

The R core group has quickly followed up with a patch to R version 3. Announced yesterday, R 3.0.1 (code name: "Good Sport") improves serialization performance with big objects, improves reliability for parallel programming and fixes a few minor bugs. (You can find the complete list of changes in the NEWS file.) ... [Read more...]

Revolution Newsletter: May 2013

May 17, 2013 | David Smith

The most recent edition of the Revolution Newsletter is out. The news section is below, and you can read the full May edition (with highlights from this blog and community events) online. You can subscribe to the Revolution Newsletter to get it monthly via email. Gaming Analytics FTW! Join us ... [Read more...]

Innovation Will Never Be At The Push Of A Button

May 17, 2013 | Randy Zwitch

@randyzwitch @benjamingaines @usujason I am envisioning the data science equivalent of an autonomous vehicle pileup. — Todd Belcher (@toddmetrics) May 16, 2013   Recently, I’ve been getting my blood pressure up reading (marketing) articles about “big data” and “data science”.  What saddens me about the whole discussion is that there is the underlying ... [Read more...]

Statistics vs Data Science vs BI

May 15, 2013 | David Smith

As someone who trained as a statistician, I've always struggled with that title. I love the rigor and insight that Statistics brings to data analysis, but let's face it: Statistics — the name — has always had a bit of a branding problem. Telling someone I was a statistician was more likely ... [Read more...]

Even More JGB Yield Charts with R lattice

May 15, 2013 | klr

See the last post for all the details. I just could not help creating a couple more. Variations on Favorite Plot - Time Series Line of JGB Yields by Maturity
p2 <- xyplot(value ~ date | indexname, data = jgb.melt, <br>    type = "l", layout = c(length(unique(jgb.melt$indexname)), <br>        1), panel = function(x, y, ...) {<br>        panel.abline(h = c(min(y), max(y)))<br>        panel.xyplot(x = x, y = y, ...)<br>        panel.text(x = x[length(x)/2], y = max(y), <br>            labels = levels(jgb.melt$indexname)[panel.number()], <br>            cex = 0.7, pos = 3)<br>    }, scales = list(x = list(tck = c(1, 0), alternating = 1), <br>        y = list(tck = c(1, 0), lwd = c(0, 1))), strip = FALSE, <br>    par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = 0)), <br>    xlab = NULL, ylab = "Yield", main = "JGB Yields by Maturity Since Jan 2012")<br>p2 <- p2 + layer(panel.abline(h = pretty(jgb.melt$value), <br>    lty = 3))<br>p2<br>
From TimelyPortfolio
<br>jgb.xts.diff <- jgb.xts["2012::", ] - matrix(rep(jgb.xts["2012::", <br>    ][1, ], NROW(jgb.xts["2012::", ])), ncol = NCOL(jgb.xts), <br>    byrow = TRUE)<br>jgb.diff.melt <- xtsMelt(jgb.xts.diff)<br>jgb.diff.melt$date <- as.Date(jgb.diff.melt$date)<br>jgb.diff.melt$value <- as.numeric(jgb.diff.melt$value)<br>jgb.diff.melt$indexname <- factor(jgb.diff.melt$indexname, <br>    levels = colnames(jgb.xts))<br><br>p4 <- xyplot(value ~ date | indexname, data = jgb.diff.melt, <br>    type = "h")<br><br>update(p2, ylim = c(min(jgb.diff.melt$value), max(jgb.melt$value) + <br>    0.5)) + p4<br>
From TimelyPortfolio
<br>update(p2, ylim = c(min(jgb.diff.melt$value), max(jgb.melt$value) + <br>    0.5), par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = "gray70"))) + <br>    update(p4, panel = function(x, y, col, ...) {<br>        # do color scale from red(negative) to<br>        # blue(positive)<br>        cc.palette <- colorRampPalette(c(brewer.pal("Reds", <br>            n = 9)[7], "white", brewer.pal("Blues", <br>            n = 9)[7]))<br>        cc.levpalette <- cc.palette(20)<br>        cc.levels <- level.colors(y, at = do.breaks(c(-0.3, <br>            0.3), 20), col.regions = cc.levpalette)<br>        panel.xyplot(x = x, y = y, col = cc.levels, <br>            ...)<br>    })<br>
From TimelyPortfolio
<br><br>p5 <- horizonplot(value ~ date | indexname, data = jgb.diff.melt, <br>    layout = c(1, length(unique(jgb.diff.melt$indexname))), <br>    scales = list(x = list(tck = c(1, 0))), xlab = NULL, <br>    ylab = NULL)<br><br>p5<br>
From TimelyPortfolio
<br>update(p2, ylim = c(0, max(jgb.melt$value) + 0.5), <br>    panel = panel.xyplot) + p5 + update(p2, ylim = c(0, <br>    max(jgb.melt$value)))<br>
From TimelyPortfolio Variations on Yield Curve Evolution ...
[Read more...]

Exponential Cache Behavior

May 15, 2013 | Neil Gunther

Guerrilla alumnus Gary Little observed certain fixed-point behavior in simulations where disk IO blocks are updated randomly in a fixed size cache. For his python simulation with 10 million entries (corresponding to an allocation of about 400 MB of memory) the following results were obtained: Hit ratio (i.e., occupied) = 0.3676748 Miss ratio (... [Read more...]
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