slides for my simulation course

October 18, 2012 | xi'an

Similar to last year, I am giving a series of lectures on simulation jointly as a Master course in Paris-Dauphine and as a 3rd year course in ENSAE. The course borrows from both the books Monte Carlo Statistical Methods and from Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods with R, with George ... [Read more...]

Life on the Big International Frontier

October 16, 2012 | klr

Although I have used the Kenneth French data library extensively in various posts, I have not yet used the international data sets paired with the wonderful paper. Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French (2012) "Size, Value, and Momentum in International...
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Not Much of a Grand Finale. What if We Go To 0?

October 15, 2012 | klr

When I ask the question “What if the US 10 year goes to 0?", most do not know the effect, the catalyst, or if 0 has ever happened before.  The math is fairly simple to do in Excel or with an old-school calculator, but let’s use RQuantLib to do...
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Ready-made model comparison tables for journals

October 15, 2012 | David Smith

If you're reporting on the results of a statistical analysis for a journal or report, you'll probably be building a table comparing two or models. Such tables may include variables in the model, parameter estimates, and p-values, and model summary statistics. If you want to include such tables based on ... [Read more...]

MCMSki IV (call for proposals)

October 15, 2012 | xi'an

The next MCMSki IV conference will for the first time host contributed sessions as well as invited sessions. The scientific committee thus welcomes proposals for contributed talks and even more for contributed sessions. Contributed talks are scheduled to last 20 minutes, plus questions, and contributed sessions one hour and a half, ... [Read more...]

Text Mining

October 15, 2012 | Wesley

When it comes down to it R does a really good job handling structured data like matrices and data frames. However, its ability to work with unstructured data is still a work in progress. It can and it does handle text mining but the documentation is incomplete and the capabilities ... [Read more...]

The unicorn problem

October 13, 2012 | Matt Asher

Let’s say your goal is to observe all known species in a particular biological category. Once a week you go out and collect specimens to identify, or maybe you just bring your binoculars to do some spotting. How long will it take you to cross off every species on ... [Read more...]

Color Palettes in HCL Space

October 12, 2012 | Jeff Allen

This is a quick follow-up to my previous post about Color Palettes in RGB Space. Achim Zeileis had commented that, perhaps, it would be more informative to evaluate the color palettes in HCL (polar LUV) space, as that spectrum more accurately describes how humans perceive color. Perhaps more clear trends ... [Read more...]

Nine lightning talks on R

October 12, 2012 | David Smith

At Tuesday's Bay Area R User Group meetup, nine speakers gave five-minute talks on various aspects of R. Revolution Analytics' Luba Gloukhov was one of the presenters, and also provides the summary of the talks below. Links to the slides are included where available for you to check out. Ariel ... [Read more...]

Revolution Newsletter: September/October 2012

October 11, 2012 | David Smith

The most recent edition of the Revolution Newsletter is out. The news section is below, and you can read the full September/October edition (with highlights from this blog and community events) online. You can subscribe to the Revolution Newsletter to get it monthly via email. New R Courses Announced: ... [Read more...]

R User Group Sponsorship: Applications open for 2013

October 9, 2012 | David Smith

Here at Revolution Analytics, we're proud to have been a part of fostering local user groups for R users around the world. Last year we sponsored more than 40 groups, with representation from every continent around the world. And we're thrilled to see the continued growth in user groups: this time ... [Read more...]

In case you missed it: September 2012 Roundup

October 8, 2012 | David Smith

In case you missed them, here are some articles from September of particular interest to R users. You can now browse the R-devel sources and changelogs at GitHub. R is used to create a 3-D animation of the Antarctic ice cap. At the DataWeek SF conference, R users from eBay, ... [Read more...]

DIY ZeroAccess GeoIP Analysis : So What?

October 8, 2012 | hrbrmstr

NOTE: A great deal of this post comes from @jayjacobs as he took a conversation we were having about thoughts on ways to look at the data and just ran like the Flash with it. Did you know that – if you’re a US citizen – you have approximately a 1 in 5 ...
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