visit to ISU

  A short visit to ISU but and therefore a busy and proftable day! About ten appointments in Snedecor Hall after a nice morning run, a highly attended Zyskind Lecture, and many interesting discussions all over the day: e.g., I had a great time discussing using null recurrent Markov chains for … Continue reading

Core [still] minus one…

Another full day spent working with Jean-Michel Marin on the new edition of Bayesian Core (soon to be Bayesian Essentials with R!) and the remaining hierarchical Bayes chapter… I have reread and completed the regression and GLM chapters, sent to very friendly colleagues for a last round of … Continue reading

back from down under

After a sunny weekend to unpack and unwind, I am now back to my normal schedule, on my way to Paris-Dauphine for an R (second-chance) exam. Except for confusing my turn signal for my wiper, thanks to two weeks of intensive driving in four Australian states!, things are thus back to … Continue reading

Le Monde puzzle [#783]

In a political party, there are as many cells as there are members and each member belongs to at least one cell. Each cell has five members and an arbitrary pair of cells only shares one member. How many members are there in this political party? Back to the mathematical puzzles of Le Monde … Continue reading

simulation, an ubiquitous tool

After struggling for quite a walk on that AMSI public lecture talk, and dreading its loss with the problematic Macbook, I managed to complete a first draft last night in Adelaide, downloading [at high financial cost!] a final set of images from the Web (plus a few personal ones, like a picture of … Continue reading

precise pangolin (Ubuntu 12.04)

Following the crash of my hard drive right before leaving Kyoto, I bought a cheap Compaq Presario CQ57 to reinstall Ubuntu 12.04 over the weekend (and have a laptop available before leaving for Australia…)  It took about one hour to install from the DVD and everything seems to be working out … Continue reading

Carnon [and Core, end]

Yet another full day working on Bayesian Core with Jean-Michel in Carnon… This morning, I ran along the canal for about an hour and at last saw some pink flamingos close enough to take pictures (if only to convince my daughter that there were flamingos in the area!). Then I worked full-time … Continue reading

\STATE [algorithmic package]

I fought with my LαTεX compiler this morning as it did not want to deal with my code: \begin{algorithmic}[1] \STATE N=1000 \STATE $\hat\pi=0$ \FOR {I=1,N} \STATE X=RDN(1), Y=RDN(1) \IF {$\text{X}^2+\text{Y}^2<1$} $\hat\pi$ = $\hat\pi +1$ \ENDIF \ENDFOR \RETURN 4*$\hat\pi/$N … Continue reading

relevant, revised, & resubmitted

We have now completed our revision of the paper Relevant statistics for Bayesian model choice, written with Judith Rousseau, Jean-Michel Marin, and Natesh Pillai. It has been resubmitted to Series B and reposted on arXiv. The major change in the paper is the inclusion of a check about the relevance … Continue reading

di Roma

It has been a wonderful week in Roma, a mix of pleasant work and enjoyable free-time! I gave the ABC advanced course for the second time in a month so it did not require much in terms of preparation and there was a good sized audience with attentive (if too silent!) students and friends as well. … Continue reading

A Roma

Today, I am going to Rome for a week, teaching my PhD course on ABC I first gave in Paris. The course takes place in La Sapienza Università di Roma, from Monday till Thursday. There will be an R lab in addition to the lectures. (I have no further item of information at the moment.) The slides have … Continue reading

recents advances in Monte Carlo Methods

Next Thursday (Jan. 16), at the RSS, there will be a special half-day meeting (afternoon, starting at 13:30) on Recent Advances in Monte Carlo Methods organised by the General Application Section. The speakers are Richard Everitt, University of Oxford, Missing data, and what to do about it Anthony … Continue reading