
Bayesian ideas and data analysis

October 30, 2011 | xi'an

Here is [yet!] another Bayesian textbook that appeared recently. I read it in the past few days and, despite my obvious biases and prejudices, I liked it very much! It has a lot in common (at least in spirit) with our Bayesian Core, which may explain why I feel so ... [Read more...]

National Gallery of Ireland

October 15, 2011 | xi'an

During a short if profitable visit to Dublin for a SFI meeting on Tuesday/Friday, I had the opportunity to visit the National Gallery of Ireland in my sole hour of free time (as my classy hotel was very close). The building itself is quite nice, being well-inserted between brick ... [Read more...]

workshop in Columbia [day 3]

September 26, 2011 | xi'an

Although this was only a half-day of talks, the third day of the workshop was equally thought-challenging and diverse.  (I managed to miss the ten first minutes by taking a Line 3 train to 125th street, having overlooked the earlier split from Line 1… Crossing south Harlem on a Sunday morning is ... [Read more...]

Bayes-250, Edinburgh [day 2]

September 6, 2011 | xi'an

After a terrific run this morning to the top of Arthur’s Seat, and then around (the ribs are feeling fine, now!), the Bayes-250 talks were exhilarating and challenging. Jim Smith gave an introduction to the challenges of getting different experts to collaborate on a complex risk assessment, much in ... [Read more...]

JSM 2011 [3]

August 2, 2011 | xi'an

Monday August 01 was the first full day of JSM 2011 and full is the appropriate word to describe the day! It started for me at 7am with a round table run by Marc Suchard on parallel computing (or at 3am if I am considering the time I woke up!). I was ... [Read more...]

Bayesian Fall school in La Rochelle

June 26, 2011 | xi'an

The French agronomy research institute INRA is organising a Fall school in La Rochelle, Nov. 28 – Dec. 02, on Bayesian methods, oriented towards the applications in food sciences, environmental sciences, and biology. The provisional program (in French) is ■ Initiation aux outils informatiques R et WinBUGS (TP et réalisation de projets sur ... [Read more...]

Mixtures in Madrid

April 10, 2011 | xi'an

As I already did two years ago, in connection with the double degree between UAM and Dauphine, I will give a short graduate course at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM). It will be part of the regular fourth year statistics course and will focus on mixtures, as given in ... [Read more...]

When Buffon meets Bertrand

April 6, 2011 | xi'an

When Peter Diggle gave his “short history” of spatial statistics this morning (I typed this in the taxi from Charles de Gaulle airport, after waiting one hour for my bag!), he started with a nice slide about Buffon’s needle (and Buffon’s portrait), since Julian Besag was often prone ... [Read more...]

ABC in London

February 15, 2011 | xi'an

After the very exciting and I think quite successful ABC in Paris meeting two years ago, Michael Stumpf from Imperial College London suggested a second edition in London along the same lines. Michael kindly associated me with the planning of this meeting. It is (logically) called ABC in London (or ... [Read more...]

Reaching 1000

February 14, 2011 | xi'an

This is the 1000th post on the ‘Og! Here are the entries that have had above 1000 views (not viewers) so far: In{s}a(ne)!! 5,353 “simply start over and build something better” 4,345 Julien on R shortcomings 1,966 Sudoku via simulated annealing 1,762 Of black swans and bleak prospects 1,462 Do we need an ... [Read more...]

Merci taxi!

February 9, 2011 | xi'an

I am in Montpellier today for a general meeting of our EMILE ANR grant bi-yearly meeting, discussing ABC model choice and new applications of simulation methods in population genetics, including an upgrade of DIYABC into the 2.0 version. (The above is a picture comparing “true” Bayes factors with ABC versions, commented ... [Read more...]

Latent Gaussian Models im Zürich [day 2]

February 6, 2011 | xi'an

The second day at the Latent Gaussian Models workshop in Zürich was equally interesting. Among the morning talks, let me mention Daniel Bové who gave a talk connected with the hyper-g prior paper he wrote with Leo Held (commented in an earlier post) and the duo of Janine Illian ... [Read more...]

Séminaire à Lyon

January 17, 2011 | xi'an

Next week, I am going to Lyon to give a seminar in Université Lyon I. I will talk about the recent Rao-Blackwellisation papers we wrote, hopefully managing to make sense with both statisticians and probabilists, unlike in recent talks of mine in probability seminars… The slides are close to those ...
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Poster at MCMSki III

December 28, 2010 | xi'an

Here is the poster presented at MCMSki III next week by Pierre Jacob about our joint paper on parallelisation: Filed under: R, Statistics, Travel Tagged: Adapski, MCMC, MCMSki, Metropolis-Hastings, Monte Carlo Statistical Methods, parallelisation, pos... [Read more...]

Back from Philly

December 20, 2010 | xi'an

The conference in honour of Larry Brown was quite exciting, with lots of old friends gathered in Philadelphia and lots of great talks either recollecting major works of Larry and coauthors or presenting fairly interesting new works. Unsurprisingly, a large chunk of the talks was about admissibility and minimaxity, with ...
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Disas-tea-R at dawn

December 16, 2010 | xi'an

This was bound to happen sooner or later, given my addiction to tea and sleepless nights, so I eventually managed to spill a cup of tea over my Mac… I had been working for a few hours in my hotel room in Philadelphia, completing an ABC paper with Jean-Michel Marin ... [Read more...]

Adap’skiii [latest]

December 13, 2010 | xi'an

Just to point out there still is room for more participants to the Adap’skiii workshop! We have now reached 60 participants for this Utah workshop and would welcome more, quite obviously! All participants are also free to present a poster on the evening of the 4th, in the bar. Filed ... [Read more...]

Adap’skiii program

October 19, 2010 | xi'an

We have just posted the (mostly definitive) program for Adap’skii, January 3-4, The Canyons, Utah. This is taking place just before and as a satellite of the larger MCMSki III conference, January 4-7, same location. The registration for the conference and for lodging is available through the  MCMCSki III ... [Read more...]

Postdoc position in computational Bayesian statistics

October 14, 2010 | xi'an

Here is an announcement I received that should interest potential postdocs (willing to come to Paris). The location is on the Orsay campus, south of Paris. In the framework of the ANR-funded Metacoli project which aims at identifying the metabolic underpinnings of the lifestyle diversity in the E. coli species, ... [Read more...]

Pre-ordinary meeting

October 7, 2010 | xi'an

Those are the slides for the (basic) introduction of the paper by Mark Girolami and Ben Calderhead at the RSS next week. Not to be confused with my comments on the paper. Filed under: R, Statistics, Travel, University life Tagged: Hamiltonian, Langevi... [Read more...]
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