
Example 9.17: (much) better pairs plots

December 6, 2011 | Nick Horton

Pairs plots (section 5.1.17) are a useful way of displaying the pairwise relations between variables in a dataset. But the default display is unsatisfactory when the variables aren't all continuous. In this entry, we discuss ways to improve these dis...
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A simple ggplot2 scatterplot

June 29, 2011 | Luke Miller

Here’s a bit of code used to produce one of the figures in my recent paper dealing with modeling rocky intertidal snail body temperatures. This was my first foray into ggplot2, and it only involved a few hours of head-scratching. The plot is a co... [Read more...]

Further Adventures in Visualisation with ggplot2

April 25, 2011 | hayward

So I previously took a look at some data of player performance from a computer game. In this post, I’m going to do some further visualisations using ggplot2. The data consists of different types of player character, different roles for those characters, and their overall damage output (the unit ... [Read more...]

Beeswarm Boxplot (and plotting it with R)

March 10, 2011 | Tal Galili

(The image above is called a “Beeswarm Boxplot” , the code for producing this image is provided at the end of this post) The above plot is implemented under different names in different softwares. This “Scatter Dot Beeswarm Box Violin – plot” (in the lack of an agreed upon term) is a ... [Read more...]


March 11, 2009 | Cloud Wei

There are many types of scatterplots in R, here are some examples based on the famous Iris data.pairs() and coplot() in package graphics.gpairs() in package YaleToolkit.scatterplot.matrix() or spm() in package car.splom() in package lattice. [Read more...]

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