
National Gallery of Ireland

October 15, 2011 | xi'an

During a short if profitable visit to Dublin for a SFI meeting on Tuesday/Friday, I had the opportunity to visit the National Gallery of Ireland in my sole hour of free time (as my classy hotel was very close). The building itself is quite nice, being well-inserted between brick ... [Read more...]

Comparing Two Distributions

August 29, 2011 | Kay Cichini

Here I compare two distributions, flowering duration of indigenous and allochtonous plant species. The hypothesis is that alien compared to indigenous plant species exhibit longer flowering periods. Read more » [Read more...]


June 27, 2011 | xi'an

Following my earlier posts on the revision of Lack of confidence, here is an interesting outcome from the derivation of the exact marginal likelihood in the Laplace case. Computing the posterior probability of a normal model versus a Laplace model in the normal (gold) and the Laplace (chocolate) settings leads ... [Read more...]

Example 8.40: Side-by-side histograms

June 13, 2011 | Ken Kleinman

It's often useful to compare histograms for some key variable, stratified by levels of some other variable. There are several ways to display something like this. The simplest may be to plot the two histograms in separate panels.SASIn SAS, the most d...
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Friday Function: nclass

May 6, 2011 | richierocks

When you draw a histogram, an important question is “how many bar should I draw?”. This should inspire an indignant response. You didn’t become a programmer to answer questions, did you? No. The whole point of programming is to let your computer do your thinking for you, giving you ... [Read more...]

Example 8.3: pyramid plots

August 30, 2010 | Nick Horton

Pyramid plots are a common way to display the distribution of age groups in a human population. The percentages of people within a given age category are arranged in a barplot, often back to back. Such displays can be used distinguish males vs. femal...
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Charting the performance of cricket all-rounders – IT Botham

August 16, 2010 | Ralph

Cricket is a sport that generates a large volume of performance data and corresponding debate about the relative qualities of various players over their careers and in relation to their contemporaries. The cricinfo website has an extensive database of statistics for professional cricketers that can be searched to access the ... [Read more...]

Summarising data using histograms

April 11, 2010 | Ralph

The histogram is a standard type of graphic used to summarise univariate data where the range of values in the data set is divided into regions and a bar (usually vertical) is plotted in each of these regions with height proportional to the frequency of observations in that region. In ... [Read more...]

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