Articles by rOpenSci Blog - R

rOpenHack report

May 13, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

The rOpenSci project is a poster child for the fluid collaboration that has become increasingly common these days thanks to platforms like Twitter and GitHub. It has been really inspring to see open discussions take shape as rough ideas, which rapidly turn into prototype research software, all of which are ... [Read more...]

Overlaying species occurrence data with climate data

April 22, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

One of the goals of the rOpenSci is to facilitate interoperability between different data sources around web with our tools. We can achieve this by providing functionality within our packages that converts data coming down via web api's in one format (often a provider specific schema) into a standard format. ... [Read more...]

Topic Modeling In R

April 16, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

Editor's note: This is the first in a series of posts from rOpenSci's recent hackathon. I recently had the pleasure of participating in rOpenSci's hackathon. To be honest, I was quite nervous to work among such notables, but I immediately felt welcome thanks to a warm and personable group. Alyssa ... [Read more...]

The ins and outs of interacting with web APIs

April 14, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

We've received a number of questions from our users about dealing with the finer details of data sources on the web. Whether you're reading data from local storage such as a csv file, a .Rdata store, or possibly a proprietary file format, you've most likely run into some issues in ... [Read more...]

Accessing iNaturalist data

March 26, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

The iNaturalist project is a really cool way to both engage people in citizen science and collect species occurrence data. The premise is pretty simple, users download an app for their smartphone, and then can easily geo reference any specimen they see, uploading it to the iNaturalist website. It let's ... [Read more...]

Species occurrence data

March 17, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

The rOpenSci projects aims to provide programmatic access to scientific data repositories on the web. A vast majority of the packages in our current suite retrieve some form of biodiversity or taxonomic data. Since several of these datasets have been georeferenced, it provides numerous opportunities for visualizing species distributions, building ... [Read more...]

dvn – Sharing Reproducible Research from R

February 20, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

Reproducible research involves the careful, annotated preservation of data, analysis code, and associated files, such that statistical procedures, output, and published results can be directly and fully replicated. As the push for reproducible research has grown, the R community has responded with an increasingly large set of tools for engaging ... [Read more...]

New features in the most recent taxize update, v0.2

February 19, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

We just released a new version of taxize - version 0.2.0. This release contains a number of new features, and bug fixes. Here is a run down of some of the changes: First, install and load taxize
New things New functions: class2tree Sometimes you just want to have ... [Read more...]

AntWeb – programmatic interface to ant biodiversity data

February 18, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

Data on more than 10,000 species of ants recorded worldwide are available through from California Academy of Sciences' AntWeb, a repository that boasts a wealth of natural history data, digital images, and specimen records on ant species from a large community of museum curators. Digging through some of the earliest announcements ... [Read more...]

Caching Encyclopedia of Life API calls

February 12, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

In a recent blog post we discussed caching calls to the web offline, on your own computer. Just like you can cache data on your own computer, a data provider can do the same thing. Most of the data providers we work with do not provide caching. However, at least ... [Read more...]

rOpenSci developer meeting in March

February 10, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

Our team has been cranking out a large number of tools over the past several months. As regular readers are aware, our software packages provide programmatic access to a diverse and extensive trove of scientific data. More recently we’ve expanded our efforts to build more general purpose and cross-domain ... [Read more...]

Caching API calls offline

February 2, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

I've recently heard the idea of "offline first" via especially We of course don't do web development, but primarily build R interfaces to data on the web. Internet availablility is increasinghly ubiqutous, but there still are times and places where you don't have internet, but need to get ... [Read more...]

Introducing the ecoengine package

January 30, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

Natural history museums have long been valuable repositories of data on species diversity. These data have been critical for fostering and shaping the development of fields such as biogeography and systematics. The importance of these data repositories is becoming increasingly important, especially in the context of climate change, where a ... [Read more...]

solr – an R interface to Solr

January 27, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

A number of the APIs we interact with (e.g., PLOS full text API, and USGS's BISON API in rplos and rbison, respectively) expose Solr endpoints. Solr is an Apache hosted project - it is a powerful search server. Given that at least two, and possibly more in the future, ... [Read more...]

Open Science with R

December 2, 2013 | rOpenSci Blog - R

Upcoming Book on Open Science with R We're pleased to announce that the rOpenSci core team has just signed a contract with CRC Press/Taylor and Francis R series to publish a new book on practical ways to implement open science into your own research using R. Given all the ... [Read more...]

Highlighting text in text mining

December 2, 2013 | rOpenSci Blog - R

rplos is an R package to facilitate easy search and full-text retrieval from all Public Library of Science (PLOS) articles, and we have a little feature which aren't sure if is useful or not. I don't actually do any text-mining for my research, so perhaps text-mining folks can give some ... [Read more...]
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