Articles by rOpenSci Blog - R

rOpenSci geospatial libraries

March 17, 2016 | rOpenSci Blog - R

Geospatial data input/output, manipulation, and vizualization are tasks that are common to many disciplines. Thus, we're keenly interested in making great tools in this space. We have an increasing set of spatial tools, each of which we'll cover sparingly. See the cran and github badges for more information. We ... [Read more...]

Australian rOpenSci Unconference

March 9, 2016 | rOpenSci Blog - R

The rOpenSci Unconference is coming to Australia and we are excited!! The event will take place in sunny Brisbane, on April 21-22 2016 hosted at the Microsoft Innovation Centre. You can find more information about the event and how to register at I was completely and ... [Read more...]

Rentrez 1_0 released

September 24, 2015 | rOpenSci Blog - R

A new version of rentrez, our package for the NCBI's EUtils API, is making it's way around the CRAN mirrors. This release represents a substantial improvement to rentrez, including a new vignette that documents the whole package. This posts describes some of the new things in rentrez, and gives us ... [Read more...]

Rentrez 1.0 released

September 24, 2015 | rOpenSci Blog - R

A new version of rentrez, our package for the NCBI's EUtils API, is making it's way around the CRAN mirrors. This release represents a substantial improvement to rentrez, including a new vignette that documents the whole package. This posts describes some of the new things in rentrez, and gives us ... [Read more...]

A drat repository for rOpenSci

August 4, 2015 | rOpenSci Blog - R

We're happy to announce the launch of a CRAN-style repository for rOpenSci at This repository contains the latest nightly builds from the master branch of all rOpenSci packages currently on GitHub. This allows users to install development versions of our software without specialized functions such as ... [Read more...]

Database interfaces

May 20, 2015 | rOpenSci Blog - R

There are many different databases. The most familiar are row-column SQL databases like MySQL, SQLite, or PostgreSQL. Another type of database is the key-value store, which as a concept is very simple: you save a value specified by a key, and you can retrieve a value by its key. One ... [Read more...]

Introducing a Wishlist for Scientific R Packages

March 10, 2015 | rOpenSci Blog - R

There are two things that make R such a wonderful programming environment - the vast number of packages to access, process and interpret data, and the enthusiastic individuals and subcommunities (of which rOpenSci is a great example). One, of course, flows from the other: R programmers write R packages to ... [Read more...]

Curling – exploring web request options

December 18, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

rOpenSci specializes in creating R libraries for accessing data resources on the web from R. Most times you request data from the web in R with our packages, you should have no problem. However, you evenutally will run into problems. In addition, there are advanced things you can do modifying ... [Read more...]

Growth of open data in biology

November 10, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

Why open data growth At rOpenSci we try to make it easier for people to use open data and contribute open data to the community. The question often arises: How much open data do we have? Another angle on this topic is: How much is open data growing? We provide ... [Read more...]

NCEAS Codefest Follow-up

September 23, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

The week after labor day, we had the pleasure of attending the NCEAS open science codefest event in Santa Barbara. It was great to meet folks like the new arrivals at the expanding Mozilla Science Lab, Bill Mills and Abby Cabunoc (Bill even already has a great post up about ... [Read more...]

rOpenSci at NESCent Open Tree of Life Hackathon

August 15, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

The Open Tree of Life project aims to synthesize our combined knowledge of how organisms relate to each other, and make the results available to anyone who wants to use them. At present, the project contains data from more than 4,000 published phylogenies, which combine with other data sources to make ... [Read more...]

Announcing our ambassadors program

August 11, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

In the last 12 months we traveled all over the world delivering talks and hands on workshops at various conferences and universities. This was a great opportunity for us to raise awareness for the project and get more of you involved as contributors and collaborators. As we scale the project to ... [Read more...]

NCEAS Codefest

August 6, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

We're delighted to be sponsoring the upcoming Open Science Codefest in Santa Barbara, California, alongside RENCI, NCEAS, NSF, DataONE, and Mozilla Science Lab. The Open Science Codefest's goal is to gather researchers from across ecology, biodiversity science, and other earth and environmental sciences with programmer types to collaborate on coding ... [Read more...]

Changes in rnoaa v0.2.0

July 21, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

We just released v0.2 of rnoaa. For details on the update, see the release notes. What follows are some notes on the more important changes. Updating to v0.2 Install rnoaa from CRAN
or Github
Then load rnoaa
UI changes We changed almost all function names to have ... [Read more...]

rOpenSci awarded $300k from the Sloan Foundation

June 10, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

We're delighted to announce that we have received additional funding from the Sloan Foundation to continue and expand our efforts from the past year. We're grateful for the overwhelming support from the community, especially through engagement at various events we organized and attended this past year. Over the next year ... [Read more...]

Reproducible research is still a challenge

June 9, 2014 | rOpenSci Blog - R

Science is reportedly in the middle of a reproducibility crisis. Reproducibility seems laudable and is frequently called for (e.g., nature and science). In general the argument is that research that can be independently reproduced is more reliable than research that cannot be independently reproduced. It is also worth noting ... [Read more...]
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