Articles by %>% dreams

Understanding the native R pipe |>

January 18, 2022 | %>% dreams

A while back, I wrote this tweet showing many (not all!) of the ways one might search for a particular set of columns in a data frame using R. Several of these approaches used the {magrittr} pipe (%__%) and the native R pipe (|__), the lat...
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Getting started in #rtistry

May 8, 2021 | %>% dreams

Getting started in #rtistry Artists in the R community have been using the #rtistry hashtag to demonstrate their gorgeous, dynamic art using only the R programming language. Their creations are amazing and they inspired me to try out generative art ...
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Exploring other {ggplot2} geoms

March 27, 2021 | %>% dreams

R users are incredibly fortunate to work in an open source community that creates and shares resources that make our work even better. The {ggplot2} package comes with incredibly useful geoms (geometric objects) to create visualizations. A full list ...
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Creating a book manuscript using {bookdown}

March 7, 2021 | %>% dreams

My co-authors Ryan, Emily, Jesse, Josh, and I published our book last year, but it had actually been around since the moment we started writing it. Data Science in Education Using R is available online as a bookdown on a website, available to all. {b...
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Browse and Search Liked Tweets using R

November 9, 2020 | %>% dreams

The other day, I was scrolling through my “liked” Tweets and got maybe 100 deep when I accidentally clicked a hyperlink and had to restart scrolling from the beginning. The experience made me so frustrated that I started looking up easier ways of peru... [Read more...]

Websites & Apps

July 11, 2020 | %>% dreams

Blogdown Bookdown Shiny Blogdown R-Ladies Seattle Website Bookdown Data Science in Education Using R Open Version Shiny Spurious COVID Correlation Creator https://ivel...
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What It Takes to Tidy Census Data

May 27, 2020 | %>% dreams

The U.S. Census releases aggregate data on their Household Pulse Survey. These data are super interesting and cover a range of important topics, particularly those related to the COVID-19 pandemic. First of all, let me clarify that I think that the wo...
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May 25, 2020 | %>% dreams

wizehiver: R wrapper for WizeHive’s Zengine API dataedu: R Package Associated with the Data Science in Education Using R Book leaidr: R Package for U.S. School District Shapefiles edreportr: R Wrapper for EdReports API
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You CRAN Do It

February 24, 2020 | %>% dreams

As the @WeAreRLadies curator, I asked the Twitterverse for advice when submitting to CRAN for the first time. Many people replied and offer their tips, experience, and well wishes. I have summarized everybody’s replies below. THANK YOU all for participating! Here’s what to expect when succeeding to get ... [Read more...]

Six Things I Always Google When Using ggplot2

January 26, 2020 | %>% dreams

I often use {ggplot2} to create graphs but there are certain things I always have to Google. I figured I’d create a post for quick reference for myself but I’d love to hear what you always have to look up! Remove the Legend Change Legend Title and Labels ...
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Finding the Modal School District

September 10, 2019 | %>% dreams

My good friend Ryan Estrellado recommended an NPR Planet Money podcast episode on the “Modal American.” Working with Ben Casselman, Planet Money explored the most ‘typical’ American. It was a fantastic, engaging episode about a common statistical technique that I’ve never seen applied in this way before. They ran ...
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