Articles by Cory Lesmeister

Iraq-Wikileaks Analysis with R

June 14, 2016 | Cory Lesmeister

In a place of extreme violence and devoid of order, the practical subsumes the principle. I drifted down the path of bribery and corruption endemic to the streets of Baghdad”.Jason Whiteley, Father of Money: Buying Peace in BaghdadAs I mentioned in a previous post, I wanted to explore the ...
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Battle Maps Using R and Leaflet

May 6, 2016 | Cory Lesmeister

“Here are those damned black hat fellows again.”Attributed to men of the 26th North Carolina, Pettigrew's Brigade at the Battle of Gettysburg in describing the "Iron Brigade".A while back I created a post about plotting Russian airstrikes in Syria using the ggmap package. Of note was the commentary ...
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Simpson’s Paradox

January 1, 2016 | Cory Lesmeister

“Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not illumination.”A.E. Housman (commonly attributed to Andrew Lang)Recently at work I stumbled into a classic example of Simpson's Paradox (Yule-Simpson Effect). Many people are not familiar with this phenomena, so I thought I would provide ... [Read more...]

Plotting Russian AiRstRikes in SyRia

November 7, 2015 | Cory Lesmeister

"Who do we think will rise if Assad falls?""Do we have a “government in a box” that we think we can fly to Damascus and put into power if the Syrian army collapses, the regime falls and ISIS approaches the capital?""Have we forgotten the lesson of “Animal Farm”? ... [Read more...]

Results of the Readers’ Survey

August 5, 2014 | Cory Lesmeister

 First of all, let me say “Thank You” to all of the 357 people who completed the survey. I was hoping for 100, so needless to say the response blew away my expectations. This endeavor seems like a worthwhile effort to do once a year. Next year I will refine the questionnaire ... [Read more...]

R Blog Readers Survey

June 28, 2014 | Cory Lesmeister

I've almost achieved my goal of a minimum of 100 quality responses.  I will keep the survey open for a couple more days, so if you haven't responded, please feel free to have a crack at it.Regards,Cory [Read more...]

Survey – Voice of the Reader

June 22, 2014 | Cory Lesmeister

Dear Blog Readers,I have numerous topics I could discuss in future blog posts.  However, I would like to capture those topics that most interest you.  Therefore, I've put together a short survey (see the link below) for everyone to weigh-in o... [Read more...]

The NFL Reloads: Using R to Have a Look

May 14, 2014 | Cory Lesmeister

NFL Draft 2014 It can't be easy being a Jacksonville Jaguars fan. It seems that management has learned nothing from the Blaine Gabbert debacle. By that I mean I'm not impressed with their first round pick Blake Bortles. Bucky Brooks of called him a “developmental prospect”. Developmental? Is that ... [Read more...]

Mythbusting – Dr. Copper

April 21, 2014 | Cory Lesmeister

Image by Justin Reznick   “An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today.” Laurence J. Peter (author and creator of the Peter Principle) If you were paying attention to financial sites last month, you probably noticed a number of articles on “... [Read more...]

The "Fighting Sioux" Surge

March 8, 2014 | Cory Lesmeister

Even a casual fan of North Dakota Hockey will notice that in the era of Coach Dave Hakstol, the team seems to perform better in the second half of the season than the first.  For the rabid fans of the team like myself, it has become a horrible and... [Read more...]

An Inconvenient Statistic

February 4, 2014 | Cory Lesmeister

As I sit here waiting on more frigid temperatures subsequent to another 10 inches of snow, suffering from metastatic cabin fever, I can't help but ponder what I can do examine global warming/climate change.  Well, as luck would have it, R has the tools to explore this controversy.  Using two ... [Read more...]

Spurious Regression of Time Series

December 30, 2013 | Cory Lesmeister

spu.ri.ousadjective : not genuine, sincere, or authentic: based on false ideas or bad reasoning it comes to analysis of time series, just because you can, doesn't mean you should, particularly with regards to regression.  In short, if you have highly autoregressive time series ... [Read more...]
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