Top 7 R-bloggers’ posts from last week (2018-10-14 till 2018-10-20)

Well, there are actually more like 74 posts in this list, sorted based on number of likes on twitter, but you can focus on the first 7 to not get overrun by the variation, enjoy:  
Title Number of likes
R for Beginners: Logistic Regression 163
How to plot animated maps with gganimate 139
Generalized Linear Models understanding the link function 129
A simple example of webscraping with R : the top 5% economist ranking 120
p-values and null hypotheses 97
R for Beginners: Modeling Regression Effects Using REffects Library 94
Use R with Excel: Importing and Exporting Data 91
Introduction to statistical thinking 89
Loading and visualizing Shapefiles in R 88
Obtaining the number of components from cross validation of principal components regression 86
R Training – Data Manipulation 81
R for Beginners: Creating a Twitter App for Scraping Data 76
R Training – Data Visualization 72
Prophets of gloom: Using NLP to analyze Radiohead lyrics 72
Running R scripts within in-database SQL Server Machine Learning 70
Modifying Excel Files using openxlsx 67
5 Alternatives to the Default R Outputs for GLMs and Linear Models 66
shinytest – Automated testing for Shiny apps 51
How to change the number of breaks on a datetime axis with R and ggplot2 49
R for Beginners: Running Chi-Squared Tests 48
Data Science With R Course Series – Week 5 47
Random Walk of Pi – Another ggplot2 Experiment 47
Voice Control your Shiny Apps 46
Identifying gaps in your data 45
Send Daily Reminder to Mobile using R 40
Generate correlation matrices with complex survey data in R 39
Using R to Read Eye-tracking Files (.txt, .tsv, ect.) and Organize Data 38
Exploring college major and income: a live data analysis in R 38
How to Use Shiny Containers with Shinyproxy 37
Announcing RStudio Package Manager 37
Time series shootout: ARIMA vs. LSTM (talk) 35
Making Art in R 35
Modularize your Shiny Apps: Exercises 34
Statistics Sunday: Some Psychometric Tricks in R 34
September 2018: Top 40 New Packages 32
Tutorial: Facebook Messenger Chatbot with AWS Lambda & Python (written by an R programmer) 31
Text Analysis with Term Frequency for Mark Twain’s Novels 31
On the apparent success of the maximum likelihood principle 30
Visualize Univariate Distribution of a Dataset (using Plotly) 30
Slides from my talk at the R-Ladies Meetup about Interpretable Deep Learning with R, Keras and 30
New Course: Interactive Data Visualization with rbokeh 29
useR! poster: ranking influential communities 28
Animated Plots As Part Of Exploratory Data Analysis 28
Slides from my m-cubed talk about Explaining complex machine learning models with LIME 28
New Course: Visualization Best Practices in R 26
splitChunk – RStudio addin for splitting code chunks in R Markdown 25
The R-help Community was Started on This Day 20 Years Ago 25
Friendships among top R-twitterers 25
Cannibus Curve with ggplot2 24
I fell out with tapply and in love with dplyr 24
Naming things is hard 23
RStudio 1.2 Preview: Stan 22
Using Leaflet in R – Tutorial 21
One Rule (OneR) Machine Learning Classification in under One Minute 21
Data Science Podcasts 20
transferring installed packages to a different installation of R 20
Creating abstract city maps for Leaflet usage 20
Piping into ggplot2 20
About identifiability and granularity 19
Topic Modeling of New York Times Articles 19
Machine Learning Benchmarking with SFA in R 19
Modeling and prediction for movies 18
Blogging with GitHub and Hugo 18
Visualising Brexit Votes with Leaflet and cartogram 18
ABC intro for Astrophysics 18
The use of bicycles in Helsinki 17
How we use emojis 17
Coming soon! 16
Shiny Website for Primer Documentation 16
Visual Art with Pi using ggplot2 & circlize 16
Introducing the New Zealand Trade Intelligence Dashboard 16
Project management for scalable data analysis 15
A small logical change with big impact 15
Most liked R-bloggers’ posts from last week (2018-10-07 till 2018-10-13 – based on twitter) 15

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