Convert foreign currency valuations

[This article was first published on R on The CuRious Financial Risk ManageR, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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One of the most common problems when dealign with financial data is to have assets (or liabilities) denominated in a currency that is different from the domestic one.

I propose a tidy solution to this problem that involves no use of for cycles.

The principle of the solution is that converting each currency can be done in parallel using the map function while the consolidation of the results will be done using the reduce logic.

I am a big fan of the tidyverse and therefore I will start loading the required packages


I suppose to have a very simple investment dataset made of two fields:

  1. a column with the currency of the investment (local currency being EUR)
  2. a column with the market value of the investment in local currency
Investments <- tibble(ccy = c(rep("EUR",2), rep("JPY",3), rep("GBP",3)),
                      local_MV = c(1.5e6,1.2e6,2e8,1.5e8,3e8,1e6,1.5e6,2e6)) %>% 
  mutate(local_MV = as.double(local_MV)) %>% 
  mutate(EUR_MV = local_MV)

## # A tibble: 8 x 3
##   ccy    local_MV    EUR_MV
##   <chr>     <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 EUR     1500000   1500000
## 2 EUR     1200000   1200000
## 3 JPY   200000000 200000000
## 4 JPY   150000000 150000000
## 5 JPY   300000000 300000000
## 6 GBP     1000000   1000000
## 7 GBP     1500000   1500000
## 8 GBP     2000000   2000000

I then store in a list the current currency FX rates

FX <- list("JPY" = 130, "GBP" = 0.8)

The first part of the algorithm consists in finding the rows of the Investments database which are subject to FX conversion for each of the currencies that are stored in the FX list using the stringr function str_which.

This is the “parallel” part of the algorithm because it can be done currency by currency independently. We therefore use the map function of the purrr package.

pos_ccy <- map(names(FX), ~str_which(Investments$ccy,.)) %>% 

## $JPY
## [1] 3 4 5
## $GBP
## [1] 6 7 8

This list contains the row numbers for which there is an investment denominated in each of the currencies in the FX universe. We then use this information together with the actual FX rate to convert the investments’ local market value. We now use the map2 function.

converted_MV <- map2(pos_ccy, FX ,~Investments$local_MV[.x]/.y)

## $JPY
## [1] 1538462 1153846 2307692
## $GBP
## [1] 1250000 1875000 2500000

We can notice that we now have a list made by two different vectors of converted market values. We need to consolidate those into the EUR_MV column in the Investments dataset.

This is the second step of the algorithm that uses the reduce function of purrr

Investments$EUR_MV[pos_ccy %>% reduce(c)] <- converted_MV %>% 

## # A tibble: 8 x 3
##   ccy    local_MV   EUR_MV
##   <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 EUR     1500000 1500000 
## 2 EUR     1200000 1200000 
## 3 JPY   200000000 1538462.
## 4 JPY   150000000 1153846.
## 5 JPY   300000000 2307692.
## 6 GBP     1000000 1250000 
## 7 GBP     1500000 1875000 
## 8 GBP     2000000 2500000

This function modifies rows of the EUR_MV field by reducing the lists from the map functions into vectors.

We can notice that the EUR positions have not changed their market value.

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