November 2017

R charts in a Tweet

November 20, 2017 | David Smith

Twitter recently doubled the maximum length of a tweet to 280 characters, and while all users now have access to longer tweets, few have taken advantage of the opportunity. Bob Rudis used the rtweet package to analyze tweets sent with the #rstats hashtag since 280-char tweets were introduced, and most still ... [Read more...]

Dataiku 4.1.0: More support for R users!

November 20, 2017 | Longhow Lam

Introduction Recently, Dataiku 4.1.0 was released, it now offers much more support for R users. But wait a minute, Data-what? I guess some of you do not know Dataiku, so what is Dataiku in the first place? It is a … Continue reading →
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November 19, 2017 | Thinking inside the box

A maintenance release of RcppEigen is now on CRAN (and will get to Debian soon). It brings Eigen 3.3.* to R. The impetus was a request from CRAN to change the call to Rcpp::Rcpp.plugin.maker() to only use :: as the function has in fact been... [Read more...]

RcppClassic 0.9.9

November 19, 2017 | Thinking inside the box

A maintenance release RcppClassic 0.9.9 is now at CRAN. This package provides a maintained version of the otherwise deprecated first Rcpp API; no new projects should use it. Per a request from CRAN, we changed the call to Rcpp::Rcpp.plugin.maker() to... [Read more...]

Timing in R

November 19, 2017 | R on The Jumping Rivers Blog

Nested timings 1) Sys.time() 2) The tictoc package Comparing functions 1) system.time() 2) The microbenchmark package Conclusion As time goes on, your R scripts are probably getting longer and more complicated, right? Timing parts of your script could save you precious time when re-running code over and over again. Today I’m ...
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Girls Coding Workshop, Melbourne

November 19, 2017 | Blog on FORWARDS

The first girls R coding workshop was held at the Kathleen Symes library in Melbourne, Nov Oct 28, 2017. The girls learned about tidy data concepts, wrangling data tools, and built a shiny app to explore standardised test data from the 2015 OECD Progra... [Read more...]

Store Data About Rows

November 19, 2017 | QuestionFlow

Introduction to keyholder package. Tools for keeping track of information about rows. Prologue During development of my other R package (ruler), I encountered the following problem: how to track rows of data frame after application of some user defined function? It is assumed that this function takes data frame as ... [Read more...]

Timing in R

November 19, 2017 | R on The Jumping Rivers Blog

Nested timings 1) Sys.time() 2) The tictoc package Comparing functions 1) system.time() 2) The microbenchmark package Conclusion As time goes on, your R scripts are probably getting longer and more complicated, right? Timing parts of your script could save you precious time when re-running code over and over again. Today I’m ... [Read more...]
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