Google summer of code 2012 – and R – a call for students

List of projects
Project | Description |
hyperSpec | Improve R’s capabilities of working with spectroscopic and hyperspectral data. |
Interactive Animations | Make an animated, interactive plot to visualize high-dimensional time-series data |
Image Labels | Develop a framework for labeling plots using images instead of textual factor names |
CRAN Stats | Aggregate download statistics across CRAN mirrors to gain global view of R package ecosystem. |
Interactive Web Graphics | Allow the results of visualization analyses to be presented in the form of interactive applets on the web |
Open Science Repository Interfaces | Develop tools for visualization and exploration to enable broader practice of Open Science in R |
KnitR Web extensions | Extend the knitr package for better applications in the web so that web pages can be easily compiled |
Finance: Bacon Performance Attribution | Add portfolio performance and attribution functionality from Bacon to PerformanceAnalytics package |
Finance: Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management | Port Matlab code published by Attilio Meucci for risk and portfolio management to R. |
Finance: Extend RTAQ | Extend the RTAQ package with additional data interoperability and volatility measures. |
Time Series: Extend xts | Improve data subsetting approaches, visualisation, and data analytics for xts time series objects. |
Disciplined Convex Optimization | Implement an optimization modeling tool for R similar to CVX (Matlab) or CVXOPT (Python), and apply standard solvers in R. Alternatively, write an R package integrating the convex solver SeDuMi with R. |
RMaxima | Develop an R package interfacing the powerful and free Computer Algebra System (CAS) Maxima. The integration of Maxima with the Euler Toolbox will serve as paradigm. |
Finance: Portfolio Performance Measurement and Benchmarking | R code for Portfolio Performance Measurement and Benchmarking from Christoperson, Carino, and Ferson(2009) |
Interested R community Mentors may also add additional project ideas, and student applications are not limited to the ideas above.
For information, the admins this year are Toby Dylan Hocking and John Nash, with Brian Peterson and Virgilio Gomez as backups. —————————- This post was collaboratively written by- Brian G. Peterson
- Tal Galili (to whom all spelling/grammatical mistakes can be attributed…)
- Props goes to FOSS trading (Jushua Urlich) for also publishing a post about this.
- Other un-named authors