Know any R blogs in your own language?

A happy announcement

Hello everyone. After playing around with the idea of extending R-bloggers to languages other then English, today I went a head and did it. The new sub-site can be found at: So far it offers the content of only 3 4 bloggers, writing posts about R in Indonesian, Italian, Dutch and Korean.

Asking for help

As opposed to English, it is much harder for me to find bloggers who write about R in languages other then my own (e.g: English and Hebrew).  So the only way for more bloggers to join will be through your help:
  • If you know of an R blogger, writing in a different language then English, please e-mail me so to let me know about that blogger (at tal.galili gmail com) so I could contact him to join.
  • If you write about R in other languages then English, please join by adding your blog at this link.
I hope this project will prove to be of interest to the R (non English speaking) community. With blessings, Tal Galili

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