useR conference

useR! 2010 conference videos

August 12, 2010 | Szilard

Videos of the invited talks of the useR! 2010 conference as follows (courtesy by Kate Mullen and NIST). This site also aims at collecting the materials (video, slides, R code) of local R users group (RUG) meetings and various other … Continue reading →
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Blogging about R – presentation and audio

July 28, 2010 | Tal Galili

At the useR!2010 conference I had the honor of giving a (~15 minute) talk titled “Blogging about R”. The following is the abstract I submited, followed by the slides of the talk and the audio file of a recording I made of the talk (I am sad it got a bit ... [Read more...]

June 20, online Registration deadline for useR! 2010

June 13, 2010 | Tal Galili

useR!2010 is coming. I am going to give two talks there (I will write more of that soon), but in the meantime, please note that the online registration deadline is coming to an end. This was published on the R-help mailing list today: ————- The final registration deadline for the ... [Read more...]

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