
MCMC with errors

March 25, 2011 | xi'an

I received this email last week from Ian Langmore, a postdoc in Columbia: I’m looking for literature on a subject and can’t find it:  I have a Metropolis sampler where the acceptance probability is evaluated with some error.  This error is not simply error in evaluation of the ... [Read more...]

Yeah Sure, Maybe, Well … Okay

March 23, 2011 | Milk Trader

Whoever wrote the book on statistics, probably avoided getting a proper education in literature. At least that's my null hypothesis. The cryptic and awkward presentation of probabilities common amongst the Frequentists (no, not the Latin American Socia...
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Typos sorted, at last!

March 23, 2011 | xi'an

After posting so many entries about typos in my books (making you wonder how there could be any text left!) and postponing their classification for so long, I decided on Saturday afternoon to collect those entries into a comprehensive pdf document that should be more useful for readers. I incidentally ... [Read more...]

Machine Learning Ex2 – Linear Regression

March 22, 2011 | R on Guangchuang Yu

Thanks to this post, I found OpenClassroom. In addition, thanks to Andrew Ng and his lectures, I took my first course in machine learning. These videos are quite easy to follow. Exercise 2 requires implementing gradient descent algorithm to model data with linear regression. Read More: 243 Words Totally [Read more...]

JCGS 20th anniversary

March 22, 2011 | xi'an

For its 20th anniversary, JCGS offers free access to papers, including Andrew’s discussion paper Why tables are really much better than graphs. (Another serious ending for an April fool joke!) Incidentally (or rather coincidentally), I received today the great news that our Using parallel computation to improve Independent Metropolis-Hastings ... [Read more...]

Statistics forum

March 21, 2011 | xi'an

The ASA is launching a new blog called the Statistics Forum, managed by Andrew Gelman and to which I will periodically contribute items that may induce some amount of discussion within the community, like the first entry by Michael Lavine on testing. (Meaning I will double-post on the Og and ...
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A 3D Version of R’s curve() Function

March 21, 2011 | John Myles White

I like exploring the behavior of functions of a single variable using the curve() function in R. One thing that seems to be missing from R’s base functions is a tool for exploring functions of two variables. I asked for examples of such a function on Twitter today and ...
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Machine Learning Ex5.2 – Regularized Logistic Regression

March 20, 2011 | al3xandr3

Exercise 5.2 Improves the Logistic Regression implementation done in Exercise 4 by adding a regularization parameter that reduces the problem of over-fitting. We will be using Newton's Method. Data Here's the data we want to fit. # linear regression # load the data mydata = read.csv(" [Read more...]

Bertand’s paradox [R details]

March 19, 2011 | xi'an

Some may have had reservations about the “randomness” of the straws I plotted to illustrate Bertrand’s paradox. As they were all going North-West/South-East. I had actually made an inversion between cbind and rbind in the R code, which explained for this non-random orientation. Above is the corrected version, ...
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Machine Learning Ex5.1 – Regularized Linear Regression

March 18, 2011 | al3xandr3

Exercise 5.1 Improves the Linear Regression implementation done in Exercise 3 by adding a regularization parameter that reduces the problem of over-fitting. Over-fitting occurs especially when fitting a high-order polynomial, that we will try to do here. Data Here's the points we will make a model from: # linear regression mydata = read.csv("... [Read more...]

Parallel computation [revised]

March 14, 2011 | xi'an

We have now completed our revision of the parallel computation paper and hope to send it to JCGS within a few days. As seen on the arXiv version, and given the very positive reviews we received, the changes are minor, mostly focusing on the explanation of the principle and on ...
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Statistical tests for variable selection

March 14, 2011 | Rob J Hyndman

I received an email today with the following comment: I’m using ARIMA with Intervention detection and was planning to use your package to identify my initial ARIMA model for later iteration, however I found that sometimes the auto.arima function returns a model where AR/MA coefficients are not ... [Read more...]

A Kernel Density Approach to Outlier Detection

March 13, 2011 | Edwin Chen

I describe a kernel density approach to outlier detection on small datasets. In particular, my model is the set of prices for a given item that can be found online. Introduction Suppose you’re searching online for the cheapest place to … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Counting Clusters

March 13, 2011 | Edwin Chen

Given a set of numerical datapoints, we often want to know how many clusters the datapoints form. Two practical algorithms for determining the number of clusters are the gap statistic and the prediction strength. Gap Statistic The gap statistic algorithm … Continue reading →
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Special issue of TOMACS

March 9, 2011 | xi'an

TOMACS (ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation) is launching a call for paper submission. The special topic is Monte Carlo Methods in Statistics and Arnaud Doucet and myself are the special issue editors. Here are the details.: Over the last two decades Monte Carlo methods have attracted much attention ... [Read more...]

Playing with quantiles, part 2

March 8, 2011 | arthur charpentier

It is common to look at best time at the Marathon. Or perhaps the distribution of the top100, as done by John Myles White on his blog here (data can be found there), as the graph below, with the density of the time for the first 100 men (in blue) a... [Read more...]
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