Soil Survey

Dissimilarity Between Soil Profiles: A Closer Look

March 23, 2012 | dylan

Continuing the previous discussion of pair-wise dissimilarity between soil profiles, the following demonstration (code, comments, and figures) further elaborates on the method. A more in-depth discussion of this example will be included as a vignette w... [Read more...]

AQP / soilDB Demo: Dueling Dendrograms

March 14, 2012 | dylan

Previously, soil profile comparison methods from the aqp package only took into account horizon-level attributes. As of last week the profile_compare() function can now accommodate horizon and site-level attributes. In other words, it is now possible t... [Read more...]

Logistic Power Peak (LPP) Simulated Soil Profiles

November 12, 2011 | dylan

A friend of mine recently published a very interesting article on the pedologic interpretation of asymetric peak functions fit to soil profile data (Myers et al., 2011). I won't bother summarizing or paraphrasing the article here, as the original artic... [Read more...]

Soil Series Query for SoilWeb

September 16, 2011 | dylan

A map depicting the spatial distribution of a given soil series can be very useful when working on a new soil survey, updating an old one, or searching for specific soil characteristics. We have recently added a soil series query facility to SoilWeb, w... [Read more...]

Soil Properties Visualized on a 1km Grid

August 31, 2010 | dylan

Fresno Area Urban Areas vs Irrigated LCC: grey regions are current urban areas A couple of maps generated from a 1km gridded soil property database, derived from SSURGO data where available with holes filled with STATSGO data. Soil properties visualize... [Read more...]

Getting Parent Material Data out of SSURGO

May 27, 2010 | dylan

  Parent material data is stored within the copm and copmgrp tables. The copm table can be linked to the copmgrp table via the 'copmgrpkey' field, and the copmgrp table can be linked to the component table via the 'cokey' field. The following queries illustrate these table relationships, and show one ... [Read more...]

Two New Soils-Related KMZ Demos

February 10, 2010 | dylan

LCC KMZ Soil Texture KMZ   Forgot to post these KMZ files: 1-km scale, aggregate LCC and soil texture data, derived from SSURGO. These are part of a series of KMZ / raster datasets that will be published soon. See attached files at the bottom of the page. Enjoy! read more
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New R-Forge Site for Quantitative Pedology

November 8, 2009 | dylan

Just back from the annual meetings, and it looks like there is a significant interest in collaborative R coding of soils-related algorithms and visualization. A new R-forge site has been created to host Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology. Public release of the 'soil' package should be ready in a couple weeks. ... [Read more...]

Aggregating SSURGO Data in R

September 10, 2009 | dylan

  Premise SSURGO is a digital, high-resolution (1:24,000), soil survey database produced by the USDA-NRCS. It is one of the largest and most complete spatial databases in the world; and is available for nearly the entire USA at no cost. These data are distributed as a combination of geographic and text data, ... [Read more...]

Potential Loss of Arable Land in the Central San Joaquin Valley, CA

August 17, 2009 | dylan

Rapid urban and sub-urban expansion in the San Joaquin Valley have resulted in the loss of millions of acres of prime farmland in the last 100 years. Approximately 11% of class 1 (irrigated) land and 7% of class 2 land have already been paved over in the Fresno-Madera region (first image below). Recent projections in ... [Read more...]

Making Sense of Large Piles of Soils Information: Soil Taxonomy

May 27, 2009 | dylan

Western Fresno Soil Hierarchy: partial view of the hierarchy within the US Soil Taxonomic system   Soil Data Field and lab characterization of soil profile data result in the accumulation of a massive, multivariate and three-dimensional data set. Classification is one approach to making sense of a large collection of this ... [Read more...]

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