
Course at Monash (#2)

July 19, 2012 | xi'an

Here are the slides for the second day of my course at Monash University, Melbourne, in the Special Lectures in Econometrics, with a strong strong similarity with the slides of my course in Roma this Spring. (Ah, sunny Roma…) The first day lecture was very well attended and I hope ... [Read more...]

simulated annealing for Sudokus [2]

March 16, 2012 | xi'an

On Tuesday, Eric Chi and Kenneth Lange arXived a paper on a comparison of numerical techniques for solving sudokus. (The very Kenneth Lange who wrote this fantastic book on numerical analysis.) One of these techniques is the simulated annealing approach I had played with a long while ago.  They seem ... [Read more...]

di Roma

March 4, 2012 | xi'an

It has been a wonderful week in Roma, a mix of pleasant work and enjoyable free-time! I gave the ABC advanced course for the second time in a month so it did not require much in terms of preparation and there was a good sized audience with attentive (if too ... [Read more...]

ABC in Roma [R lab #2]

March 2, 2012 | xi'an

Here are the R codes of the second R lab organised by Serena Arima in supplement of my lectures (now completed!). This morning I covered ABC model choice and the following example is the benchmark used in the course (and in the paper) about the impact of summary statistics. (Warning! ... [Read more...]

ABC in Roma [R lab #1]

February 29, 2012 | xi'an

Here are the R codes of the R labs organised by Serena Arima in supplement of my lectures. This is quite impressive and helpful to the students, as illustrated by the first example below (using the abc software). I am having a great time teaching this “ABC in Roma” course, ... [Read more...]

A Roma

February 25, 2012 | xi'an

Today, I am going to Rome for a week, teaching my PhD course on ABC I first gave in Paris. The course takes place in La Sapienza Università di Roma, from Monday till Thursday. There will be an R lab in addition to the lectures. (I have no further item ... [Read more...]

updated slides for ABC PhD course

February 7, 2012 | xi'an

Over the weekend, I have added a few slides referring to recent papers mentioning the convergence of ABC algorithms, in particular the very relevant paper by Dean et al. I had already discussed in an earlier post. (This is taking a larger chunk of my time than expected! I am ... [Read more...]

ABC [PhD] course

January 25, 2012 | xi'an

As mentioned in the latest post on ABC, I am giving a short doctoral course on ABC methods and convergence at CREST next week. I have now made a preliminary collection of my slides (plus a few from Jean-Michel Marin’s), available on slideshare (as ABC in Roma, because I ... [Read more...]

bounded normal mean

November 24, 2011 | xi'an

A few days ago, one of my students, Jacopo Primavera (from La Sapienza, Roma) presented his “reading the classic” paper, namely the terrific bounded normal mean paper by my friends George Casella and Bill Strawderman (1981, Annals of Statistics). Even though I knew this paper quite well, having read (and studied) ... [Read more...]

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