
R Workshop: Reproducible Research using Sweave for Beginers

April 27, 2012 | Corey Chivers

Monday, April 30, 2012  14h-16h. Stewart Biology Rm w6/12 (Montreal) guRu: Denis Haine (Université de Montréal) Topics Reproducible research was first coined by Pr. Jon Claerbout, professor of geophysics at Stanford University, to describe that the results from researches can be replicated by other scientists by making available data, procedures, ... [Read more...]

David Banks on Reproducible Research

June 8, 2011 | BioStatMatt

Just got an email linking to Reproducible Research: A Range of Response, in the new journal Statistics, Politics, and Policy 2(1) by David Banks, who is also the journal's editor. Interestingly, the commentary doesn't mention the journal's policy (if one exists) on the reproducibility of research submitted there. Banks' writing is ... [Read more...]

Sweave diagram, following Knuth’s original

June 2, 2011 | BioStatMatt

In preparation for a talk, I updated Knuth's original diagram in Donald E. Knuth. Literate programming. The Computer Journal, 27(2):97–111, May 1984. The new diagram is Sweave specific. Click the Sweave diagram for a PDF version, or right-click and select 'save image as' for the PNG version. Permission is granted for any ... [Read more...]


April 6, 2011 | BioStatMatt

A recent R-help post asks for examples of Sweave use for web appliations. I think there is very little out there; maybe nothing. Below is a proof of concept for web-based Sweave-ing with rApache. But, it will soon be possible to do this with R's built-in web server. The idea ... [Read more...]

Yet another R report generator, and more!

March 4, 2011 | BioStatMatt

I recently uploaded some code to R-forge related to an R package I’ve been working on, titled yarr. The work was motivated by a desire to embed R code and output within my HTML blog posts! Months ago, I wrote about a potential solution to this using the brew ... [Read more...]

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