
Do you still have time to sleep ?

June 11, 2012 | arthur charpentier

Last week, @3wen (Ewen) helped me to write nice R functions to extract tweets in R and build datasets containing a lot of information. I've tried a couple of time on my own. Once on tweet contents, but it was not convincing and once on the activit... [Read more...]

Claims reserving and IBNR with R

June 6, 2012 | arthur charpentier

Following previous posts on life contingencies and longevity and mortality models, I upload additional material for the short course at the 6th R/Rmetrics Meielisalp Workshop & Summer School on Computational Finance and Financial Engineeri... [Read more...]

Births and week-ends, in France

May 19, 2012 | arthur charpentier

This week, I have seen on the internet (sorry, I cannot find proper references) the graph produced here on the right: which birthday is most likely ? The fact that I have no further information is important, since I do not know in which country suc... [Read more...]

Open data and ecological fallacy

April 28, 2012 | arthur charpentier

A couple of days ago, on Twitter, @alung mentioned an old post I did publish on this blog about open-data, explaining how difficult it was to get access to data in France (the post, published almost 18 months ago can be found here, in French).... [Read more...]

Playing with fire (or water)

April 2, 2012 | arthur charpentier

A few days ago, http://www.futilitycloset.com/ published a short post based on the fourth problem of the 1987 Canadian Mathematical Olympiad (from on a problem from the 6th All Soviet Union Mathematical Competition in Voronezh, 1966). The problem i... [Read more...]

Sunday evening, stupid games…

April 1, 2012 | arthur charpentier

This evening, while I was about to wash the dishes, I heard my elders starting a game (call them Him and Her) Him: "I have picked - in my head - a number, lower than 50. Try to guess..." Her: "No way, too difficult..." Him: "You can try five differ... [Read more...]

Ruin probability and infinite time

March 27, 2012 | arthur charpentier

A couple of weeks ago, I had a discussion with a practitioner, working in some financial company, about ruin, and infinite time. And it remind me a weird result. Well, not a weird result, but a result I found disturbing, at first, when I was a stud... [Read more...]

Visualization in regression analysis

February 23, 2012 | arthur charpentier

Visualization is a key to success in regression analysis. This is one of the (many) reasons I am also suspicious when I read an article with a quantitative (econometric) analysis without any graph. Consider for instance the following dataset, obtai... [Read more...]
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