In this article, you will find a list of Internet resources that may be useful if you are programming in R. If you have a problem with R and [Read more...]
I have been working on a new package makeR to help manage Sweave projects where you wish to create multiple versions of documents that are based on a single source. For example, I create lots of monthly and quarterly reports using Sweave and the only differences between versions are a ... [Read more...]
As the ‘Og reached its 1500th post and 3000th comment at exactly the same time, a wee and only mildly interesting Sunday morning foray in what was posted so far and attracted the most attention (using the statistics provided by wordpress). The most visited posts: Title Views Home page 203,727 In{... [Read more...]
The followings introductory post is intended for new users of R. It deals with R data frames: what they are, and how to create, view, and update them. This is a guest article by Dr. Robert I. Kabacoff, the founder of (one of) the first online R tutorials websites: Quick-R. ... [Read more...]
Thanks to a link on R-bloggers, I was introduced to Luis Apiolaza’s blog, Quantum Forest, which covers data analyses and R comments he encounters in his research as a quantitative forester/geneticist. And he works at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, where I first taught from Bayesian Core in 2006. ... [Read more...]
A Bernoulli process is a sequence of Bernoulli trials (the realization of n binary random variables), taking two values (0/1, Heads/Tails, Boy/Girl, etc…). It is often used in teaching introductory probability/statistics classes about the binomial distribution. When visualizing a Bernoulli process, it is common to use a binary ... [Read more...]
This is my first blog since joiningR-bloggers. I’m quite excited to be part of this group and apologize if I boreany experienced R users with my basic blogs for learning R or offendprogrammers with my inefficient, sloppy coding. Hopefully writing for...
This is (roughly) the lightning talk I gave in useR2011. If you are a reader of then this talk is not likely to tell you anything new. However, if you have a friend, college or student who is a new useRs of R, this talk will offer him ... [Read more...]
Should the world of R Wikibooks require a precis on truncated distributions, marijuana prices, or an obtusely coded method to visualize orthogonal least squares (spoiler alert: dot products are easier!), I’m your man! I hereby release all of the content and code in the R stuff category under the ... [Read more...]
Following a link on R-bloggers, I ended up on this page (with a completely useless graph that only contained the pieces of information 5% in 1900 and 55% in 2000). The author (Ralph Keeney) reports on “A remarkable 55 percent of deaths for people age 15 to 64 can be attributed to decisions with readily [...] [Read more...]
The information below will be periodically updated at the folowing permanent link: Searching for information on R sucks. Not only is the language name a letter of the alphabet (an ignominy it shares with C and some less well known languages), there is Pearson’s ... [Read more...]
This morning, I noticed that none of my R related posts had appeared on R-bloggers for the past fortnight… After investigating, this was caused by…cut-and-paste! Indeed, when advertising about the special issue of TOMACS Arnaud Doucet and I edit about Monte Carlo methods in Statistics, I copied the main ... [Read more...]
A year ago (on December 9th 2009), I wrote about founding, an (unofficial) online R journal written by bloggers who agreed to contribute their R articles to the site. In this post I wish to celebrate R-bloggers’ first birthday by sharing with you: Links to the top 14 posts of 2010 ... [Read more...]
Tal Galili, organizer of the R-bloggers blog aggregator, has opened a new aggregator for people blogging about SAS. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, an aggregator is a single blog which republishes (with permission, in this case) the entries fro...
About 10 months ago, I was looking for a plugin to enable me to highlight R code on my self hosted WordPress blog. The solution I came up with then was to use the wp-syntax plugin (with the need for some modifications). Today I was informed of (what I believe is) ... [Read more...]
On his Probability and statistics blog, Matt Asher put a funny question (with my rephrasing): Take a unit square. Now pick two spots at random along the perimeter, uniformly. For each of these two locations, pick another random point from one of the three other sides of the square and ... [Read more...]
Today, as I was trying to install SpatialEpi to use the Scotland lip cancer data in the last chapter of Bayesian Core, I realised my version of R, R Version 2.6.1, was hopelessly out of date! As I am also using Hardy Heron, a somehow antiquated version of Ubuntu on my ...