
Mortgage Refinance Calculator

December 20, 2011 | BioStatMatt

Mortgage rates are low, considering historical rates for the last 50 years. It may be timely to consider a mortgage refinance. The image above links to a simple tool for exploring mortgage refinance, built using rapache and the yet-to-be-archived yarr package for R. Hence, there are now two mortgage-related calculators on ... [Read more...]

Yet another R report generator, and more!

March 4, 2011 | BioStatMatt

I recently uploaded some code to R-forge related to an R package I’ve been working on, titled yarr. The work was motivated by a desire to embed R code and output within my HTML blog posts! Months ago, I wrote about a potential solution to this using the brew ... [Read more...]

The Automatic Millionaire & Amortization

January 8, 2011 | Matt Shotwell

Dan Byrne of Vanderbilt University gave me a book back in October titled The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach. The book is an easy read and full of sound advice that I intend to take. Bach espouses a plan for retirement built on the principles of “paying yourself first” (i....
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