mixed models

Plotting 95% Confidence Bands in R

July 26, 2012 | Daniel Hocking

I am comparing estimates from subject-specific GLMMs and population-average GEE models as part of a publication I am working on. As part of this, I want to visualize predictions of each type of model including 95% confidence bands. First I had to ma...
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Model Validation: Interpreting Residual Plots

July 18, 2011 | Daniel Hocking

When conducting any statistical analysis it is important to evaluate how well the model fits the data and that the data meet the assumptions of the model. There are numerous ways to do this and a variety of statistical tests to evaluate deviations from model assumptions. However, there is little ...
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July 7, 2011 | Daniel Hocking

I have been starting to analyze some data I have of repeated counts of salamanders from 5 plots over 4 years. I am trying to develop a predictive model of salamander nighttime surface activity as a function of weather variables. The repeated counting l...
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Mixed models – Part 2: lme lmer

February 15, 2011 | nzcoops

Getting more into mixed models, I’ve been playing around with both nlme::lme and lme4::lmer. http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e2/help/06/10/3345.html was quite a good post at explaining the differences, which from what I gather is largely performance based when using crossed or partially crossed ... [Read more...]

Mixed Models – Part 1

February 3, 2011 | nzcoops

Very brief. Have been exploring mixed models in R using nlme::lme. Am looking forward to understanding them more, they’re going to be used more and more in years to come I’ve no doubt of that. Here are some scripts, very rough, for diagnostics when running simple 2 levels, ... [Read more...]

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