
WordPress WordCloud with R

August 3, 2011 | Martin Scharm

These days one can frequently read about wordclouds created with R, initiated by the release of the wordcloud package by Ian Fellows on July 23rd. So here I am to put in my two cents. I thought about creating a wordcloud of a complete blog history, so I build a ... [Read more...]

Comparison of compression

April 4, 2011 | Martin Scharm

I recently wrote an email with an attached LZMA archive. It was immediately answered with something like: "What are you doing? I had to boot linux to open the file!" First of all I don't care whether user of proprietary systems are able to read open formats, but this answer ... [Read more...]

web content anlayzer

January 6, 2011 | Martin Scharm

Just developed a small crawler to check my online content at in terms of W3C validity and the availability of external links. Here is the code and some statistics... [Read more...]

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