
introduction to R: learning by doing (part 1)

July 9, 2012 | ricckli

Geography is often about statistics as it is the basis for fast exchange of information: providing a mean and standard deviation to the audience is often much easier then showing raw data: Learning a script language for this purpose can be a hard-ass work. But I think it is more ... [Read more...]

Code for Machine Learning for Hackers

February 16, 2012 | Drew Conway

With the release of the eBook version of Machine Learning for Hackers this week, many people have been asking for the code. With good reason—as it turns out—because O’Reilly still (at the time of this writing) has not updated the book page to include a link to ... [Read more...]

A year of Chicago’s crime, in 30 seconds

June 21, 2011 | Drew Conway

Yesterday Brett Goldstein, the Chief Data Officer for the City of Chicago, announced on Twitter the release of Chicago’s crime data for the past year. The data is very detailed, and wonderful resource for criminologist and social scientists alike. I have been playing around with the data a bit, ... [Read more...]

Language used by Academics with the Protection of Anonymity

March 14, 2011 | Drew Conway

Those in the political science discipline probably remember their first encounter with poliscijobrumors.com. For those outside, you have probably never heard of this particular message board, and you would have no reason to. As the URL suggests, the board specializes in rumor, gossip, back-bitting, mudslinging, and the occasional lucid ... [Read more...]

Building a Better Word Cloud

January 27, 2011 | Drew Conway

A few weeks ago I attended the NYC Data Visualization and Infographics meetup, which included a talk by Junk Charts blogger Kaiser Fung. Given the topic of his blog, I was a bit shocked that the central theme of his talk was comparing good and bad word clouds. He even ...
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Jeromy Anglim on Reproducible Research and R

December 6, 2010 | Drew Conway

Jeromy Anglim, fellow social scientist and R aficionado from across the globe, gave a great talk to the Melbourne R Users Group last week on the joys of creating reproducible results. A subject near and dear to me, but not one that is given enough attention in research training. Jeromy ... [Read more...]

Where People Share Links About NYC

October 27, 2010 | Drew Conway

Last week I participated in bit.ly’s fourth hackabit hack-a-thon, which is a wonderful opportunity for NYC area hackers to get together, eat pizza, drink energy drinks, and stay up late hacking with some of the best data geeks around. I was lucky enough to saddle up next to ...
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In Search of Power-laws: WikiLeaks Edition

August 26, 2010 | Drew Conway

Yesterday, a commenter reminded me of the very popular hobby among scientists of searching for power-law distributions in large event data. While the commonality of scale invariance in event data is quite well known—particularly with respect to conflict data—this has not prevented many researchers from seeking and finding ... [Read more...]

Leveraging the Wisdom of Crowds for Fantasy Football

August 23, 2010 | Drew Conway

WARNING: This has nothing to do with national security, but is nonetheless awesome. This evening I will be participating in that great annual tradition which marks the transition from Summer to Fall: the fantasy football draft. A large part of having a successful fantasy football draft is being able to ... [Read more...]

Benford’s Law Tests for Wikileaks Data

August 1, 2010 | Drew Conway

In my first post on the WL Afghanistan data I provided a very high-level view of the data, and found that it generally met expectations for frequency given its context and presumed data generating process. Next, I will look a bit deeper at this process and test if the observed ...
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Local R User Group Panel from useR! 2010 (Video)

July 24, 2010 | Drew Conway

As I mentioned last week, I will be hosting videos of several of the keynote speakers from this year’s useR! 2010 conference at the video Rchive. As it happens, the first video I was able to upload was the panel discussion we held on starting local R user groups. I ... [Read more...]

Lots of new Videos in Rchive

April 14, 2010 | Drew Conway

I have just uploaded a bunch of new videos the Rchive (yea, that’s what I am calling it now). Most of the videos are from the April NYC meetup, which include the following talks: Pankaj Chopra—using R and Bioconductor (http://www.bioconductor.org/) for biomarker detection in cancer ... [Read more...]
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