
Automatic drug utilization reports with R and ggplot2

September 18, 2012 | John

This program takes a data set of drug utilisation of 4 fictional drugs in 10 fictional hospitals and plots each time-series with a locally weighted regression (Lowess) trend line. It also places an time-series trend of the usage for each … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Evolution average number of beds per hospital

July 27, 2012 | Bart

The OECD collects (among a lot of other statistics) information on the number of hospitals and hospital beds per country. These two parameters combined and its evolution over the years could give an indication on whether or not the country’s hospital landscape is evolving towards large medical centers, small ... [Read more...]

Estimating required hospital bed capacity

July 23, 2012 | Bart

Estimating required hospital bed capacity requires a thorough analysis. There are a lot of ways of approaching a capacity requirement problem, but I think we can agree that a simple spreadsheet analysis just won't cut it. The approach described in this post makes use of discrete-event simulation and, just ... [Read more...]

Using discrete-event simulation to simulate hospital processes

July 12, 2012 | Bart

Discrete-event simulation is a very useful tool when it comes to simulating alternative scenario’s for current of future business operations. Let’s take the following case; Patients of an outpatient diabetes clinic are complaining about long waiting times, this seems to have an adverse effect on patient satisfaction and ... [Read more...]

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