
search the graph gallery from R

September 8, 2009 | romain francois

pre{ font-size:xx-small !important ; border: 1px black solid; } This is a short code snippet that is motivated by this thread on r-help yesterday. The gallery contains a search engine textbox (top-right) that can be used to search for content i... [Read more...]

RGG#155, 156 and 157

July 21, 2009 | romain francois

I pushed 3 more graphics from Biecek Przemyslaw to the graphics gallery A list of popular names for colors from packages RColorBrewer, colorRamps, grDevices A set of examples of few graphical low-level parameters lend, ljoin, xpd, adj, lege... [Read more...]

RGG# 154: demo of atomic functions

July 7, 2009 | romain francois

Przemyslaw Biecek has submitted this graph (and also others I will add later) to the graphics gallery A list of examples for the atomic functions polygon(), segments(), symbols(), arrows(), curve(), abline(), points(), lines(). this figure is t... [Read more...]

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