
Sunday Data/Statistics Link Roundup (11/4/12)

November 4, 2012 | Simply Statistics

Brian Caffo headlines the WaPo article about massive online open courses. He is the driving force behind our department’s involvement in offering these massive courses. I think this sums it up: `“I can’t use another word than unbelievable,” Caffo said. … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Automatic drug utilization reports with R and ggplot2

September 18, 2012 | John

This program takes a data set of drug utilisation of 4 fictional drugs in 10 fictional hospitals and plots each time-series with a locally weighted regression (Lowess) trend line. It also places an time-series trend of the usage for each … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Mapping Bike Accidents in R

September 14, 2012 | Corey Chivers

At last weekend’s Hack Ta Ville event here in Montreal, I joined up with some talented urban planners and web devs to realize Vélobstacles. The idea of the project is to crowd source information on cycling conditions around the city. As with any crowd sourcing project, we were ... [Read more...]

Download and parse EDHEC hedge fund indexes

June 4, 2012 | Peter Carl

In our pre-conference workshop, Brian Peterson and I worked with the EDHEC hedge fund indexes as a way to demonstrate how to use PortfolioAnalytics within the context of long-term allocation problems. Although they are not investible, these indexes are probably more representative than most given that they are, in fact, ... [Read more...]

reshape (from base) Explained: Part II

May 5, 2012 | tylerrinker

Part II Explains More Complex  Wide to Long With base reshape  In part I of this base reshape tutorial we went over the basics of reshaping data with reshape.  We learned two rules that help us to be more efficient … Continue reading → [Read more...]

reshape (from base) Explained: Part I

May 2, 2012 | tylerrinker

This Post Will Explain the Basics of Wide to Long With base reshape (part I) Often your data set is in wide format and some sort of analysis or visualization requires putting the data set into long format.  Hadely Wickham … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Disproportionality Data

March 25, 2012 | Christopher Gandrud

So I was hunting around for some data on disproportional electoral outcomes (when the proportion of voters cast for political parties is not close to the proportion of legislative seats that they win).Michael Gallagher keeps an updated version of his L...
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Download and Parse NAREIT Data

March 1, 2012 | Peter Carl

This is the first post of a series that describes how to download and parse specific data sets into R. These kinds of scripts can be functionalized further, but I doubt that these will ever find their way into a formal package. They are intended to be helpful to those ... [Read more...]

Over on F1DataJunkie, 2011 Season Review Doodles…

December 30, 2011 | Tony Hirst

Things have been a little quiet, post wise here, of late, in part because of the holiday season… but I have been posting notes on a couple of charts in progress over on the F1DataJunkie blog. Here are links to the posts in chronological order – they capture the evolution ... [Read more...]

New Powerball (lottery) Rules Will Cost You More

December 16, 2011 | BioStatMatt

The popular news are reporting [1,2,3,4,5] that the Multi-State Lottery Commission (MUSL) will change the rules for their lottery game Powerball, effective Jan. 15, 2012. I sent an email to the MUSL (at 8:00am Dec, 14th) asking for the new official rules, but haven't received a response yet (as of 10:30am Dec, 16th). ... [Read more...]
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