Data Viz

Bare-bones intro to Plotting options in R

March 21, 2012 | Isomorphismes

If you’re using base::plot in R for the first time (for example if you do plot(pima) or plot(faithful) (use ??pima if you can’t find the dataset)) you may have looked at ?plot (2 page help file) or ?par (12 page help file) to figure out what’s ... [Read more...]

Tumblr Likes

April 11, 2011 | Mathematical Poetics

Look at just the first digit and the number of digits. science: 32914, 11566, 4989, 3743, 968, 814, 673, 482, 286, 2811 black and white: 1694, 1167, 1108, 988, 919, 639, 596, 591, 580, 544 lol: 22627, 18100, 17688, 14374, 13459, 12045, 4711, 3779, 36... [Read more...]

Introducing the Lowry Plot

January 11, 2011 | richierocks

Here at the Health and Safety Laboratory* we’re big fans of physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models (say that 10 times fast) for predicting concentrations of chemicals around your body based upon an exposure. These models take the form of a big system of ODEs. Because they contain many equations and consequently ...
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Pareto plot party!

December 5, 2010 | richierocks

A Pareto plot is an enhanced bar chart. It comes in useful for deciding which bars in your bar chart are important. To see this, take a look at some made up DVD sales data. set.seed(1234) dvd_names [Read more...]

Visualising questionnaires

September 25, 2010 | richierocks

Last week I was shown the results of a workplace happiness questionnaire. The plots were ripe for a makeover. Most obviously, the pointless 3D effect needs removing, and the colour scheme is badly chosen.
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Sweet bar chart o’ mine

August 30, 2010 | richierocks

Last week I was asked to visualise some heart rate data from an experiment. ... The standard way of displaying a time series (that is, a numeric variable that changes over time) is with a line plot. ... The experimenters, however, wanted a bar chart. I hadn't considered this use of a ... [Read more...]

Goals per Game in MLS

August 16, 2010 | Ryan

I promised something related to Major League Soccer and here it is.  Caveat:  It’s not much.  Why so sparse?  (1) The data is a bit messy due to teams folding, expansion, name changes, etc.  (2)  I was backpacking all weekend and didn’t have time to work on this side project.  ... [Read more...]

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