Advent of Code 2022

November 27, 2023 | Jonathan Carroll

In the lead up to Christmas each year, Advent of Code offers a series of 25 puzzles which start out reasonably simple, but get progressively harder, eventually requiring knowledge of algorithms and dynamic programming techniques. Last year I solved the...
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R Solution for Excel Puzzles

November 27, 2023 | Numbers around us

Week 47 — Puzzles no. 329–333PuzzlesAuthor: ExcelBIPuzzles:# 329: content file# 330: content file# 331: content file# 332: content file# 333: content fileLets dive into solutions!Puzzle 329In this puzzle we were asked to generate first 50 elements of I...
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R Validation Hub: Wrapping up 2023 and Welcoming 2024!

November 27, 2023 | R Consortium

Abstract: Join us on November 28th for our last Community meeting of 2023. The R Validation Hub’s Executive Committee will summarize this year’s achievements, our presence at conferences and other... The post R Validation Hub: Wrapping up 2023 and Welcoming 2024! appeared first on R Consortium.
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Believe in a higher order!

November 26, 2023 | Edoardo Mancini

Introduction Picture the following scenario: You, a budding {admiral} programmer, are finding your groove chaining together modular code blocks to derive variables and parameters in a drive to construct your favorite ADaM dataset, ADAE. Sudde... [Read more...]

Black & white

November 24, 2023 | Michael

Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) – CC-BY-SA by Gregory “Slobirdr” Smith Day 24 of 30DayMapChallenge: « Black & white » (previously). All #RStats enthusiasts seem to love Penguins (at least as a toy dataset), so I made a...
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Getting started with theme()

November 23, 2023 | The Jumping Rivers Blog

The theme() function in {ggplot2} is awesome. Although it’s only one function, it gives you so much control over your final plot. theme() allows us to generate a consistent, in-house style for our graphics, modify the text within our plots and mo...
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November 23, 2023 | Michael

Mount Fuji sunrise – CC-BY-NC-ND by Gilbert Sopakuwa Day 23 of 30DayMapChallenge: « 3D » (previously). The Tanaka contours (Tanaka 1950) are a method of displaying 3D as a succession of terraces. library(elevatr) library(terr...
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