Articles by Your Name

Double dispatch in R: S4-vs-vctrs

September 20, 2020 | Your Name

Why do we may need double dispatch? In most cases, when writing R scripts or even creating R packages, it is enough to use standard functions or S3 methods. However, there is one important field that forces us to consider double dispatch question: a...
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eponge: Keep Your Environment Clean

May 9, 2020 | Your Name

eponge is a small package, which facilitates selective object removal. It was released on CRAN at 23th March 2020. Initially, the package was named sponge, but during first submission trial I found out, that currently there exists the SPONGE package, ...
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matricks 0.8.2 available on CRAN

February 28, 2020 | Your Name

matricks package in 0.8.2 version has been released on CRAN! In this post I will present you, what are advantages of using matricks and how you can use it. Creating matrices The main function the package started with is m. It’s a smart shortcut fo...
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