Articles by Shige


December 3, 2009 | Shige

I gave R2admb a test run and found it quite promising. The design is simple: to have a simple interface between R and ADMB so ADMB can get input from R and can send output back to R for further processing. This does not eliminate the trouble of writing...
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OpenMX, again

November 30, 2009 | Shige

With help from Michael Spiegel, the lead developer of OpenMX, I was able to get it compiled and installed on my 64-bit Ubuntu system. Now it runs beautifully.
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November 30, 2009 | Shige

It seems to be something I am looking for: an interface between R and C for Bayesian analysis.
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PBSadmb for R

November 27, 2009 | Shige

This package bridges ADMB and R. It was once Windows-only and now has matured and become platform-independent. I will check it out and comment more about it. here is yet another R to ADMB interface: http://r-forge.r...
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November 15, 2009 | Shige

Looks promising: now it cannot be build from source because there are some comparabilities between OpenMx and R 2.10.0, but I assume this will be resolved soon.And the development seems to be quite active.
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Scivews-K got updated again

November 4, 2009 | Shige

With the recent update, I was able to get it working properly.Interestingly, while it works on my Vista 64-bit, it does not work on my Ubuntu 64-bit. I have no idea what is going on.
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InferenceR looks interesting

October 21, 2009 | Shige

I obtained a free academic copy of the InferenceR, which is a R IDE for Windows. I has several interesting features such as a visual debugger. It is definitely worth some further exploration. Of course, the problem (and the only problem for now) is tha...
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Running JAGS via R2jags

October 20, 2009 | Shige

I finally figure out how to run WinBUGS examples in JAGS via R2jags. JAGS is preferred over WinBUGS for its cross-platform compatibility and performance (it was written in C++).
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The optimal way to do sweave

October 16, 2009 | Shige

The optimal way to do sweave may be to have a master file in LaTeX, and a separate Rnw file contains all the computations, figures, and tables. That way, it is easy to compile the LaTeX as the writing goes on without the hassle of carrying out the comp...
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