Articles by Russ McRee

DFIR Redefined Part 3: visNetwork for Network Data

September 23, 2019 | Russ McRee

In keeping with pending presentations for the Secure Iowa Conference and (ISC)2 Security Congress, I’m continuing the DFIR Redefined: Deeper Functionality for Investigators with R series (see Part 1 and Part 2). Incident responders and investigators, faced with an inundation of data and ever-evolving threat vectors, require skills enhancements and analytics ...
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toolsmith snapshot: r-cyber with

May 13, 2019 | Russ McRee

I recently delivered my DFIR Redefinded: Deeper Functionality for Investigators in R presentation at the Computer Technology Investigators Network (CTIN) Conference on the Microsoft campus. This is content I provide when and where I can with the hope of inspiring others to experience what happened for me as a direct ...
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toolsmith snapshot: r-cyber with

May 13, 2019 | Russ McRee

I recently delivered my DFIR Redefinded: Deeper Functionality for Investigators in R presentation at the Computer Technology Investigators Network (CTIN) Conference on the Microsoft campus. This is content I provide when and where I can with the hope of inspiring others to experience what happened for me as a direct ...
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gganimate: Animate YouR Security Analysis

January 3, 2019 | Russ McRee

I regularly challenge myself and others to visualize the results of their analysis, when and where the data permits it. The likes of ggplot2 enables this beautifully for R users. Then, in September 2018, gganimate hit my radar via R-bloggers and I had an epiphany. “gganimate extends the grammar of graphics ... [Read more...]

Shodan As A Verb – Find The Fail Before It Finds You

August 2, 2018 | Russ McRee

Shodan (noun): the world’s first search engine for Internet-connected devices. Shodan (verb): To Shodan; I Shodan, You Shodan, We Shodan…do this, before an adversary does it for you. You’ve likely read the story by now. An adversary used the Shodan search engine, “world’s first search engine ...
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