Articles by R | XP

Changes in a city’s land cover over time

March 4, 2021 | R | XP

As part of a research project to develop biodiversity indices for city planning, I’ve had to quantify different components of the landscape using satellite data. One of these components is land cover, from which other metrics can be further derived...
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Analysing spatial patterns of the landscape

January 31, 2020 | R | XP

In landscape ecology, we study interactions between organisms and their surrounding environment. The physical landscape is often quantified using “landscape metrics”, for further analyses alongside other sources of data. My recent lectures are focused on introducing such concepts to landscape architects. While I’ve used FRAGSTATS and other GIS software ... [Read more...]

A crash course in R programming

July 11, 2019 | R | XP

I recently conducted a workshop to teach basic coding/programming in R. It was designed as a crash course for those without coding experience, where we dive right into organising, visualising and analysing real data. While it wasn’t meant to be a self-study course, the slides were made to ... [Read more...]

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