Articles by R Views

Madrid R User Group, A Brief History

March 9, 2017 | R Views

(Editors note: A Spanish verison of the post follows the English text) In the first meeting we were 5, now we are consistently over 60. It was not difficult for us to start up the group of users of R of Madrid. Gregorio Serrano, Carlos Gil Bellosta, Pedro Concejero and I started ... [Read more...]

Interactive Maps and ETF Analysis

March 7, 2017 | R Views

In this post, I’ll describe a Shiny app to support the Emerging Markets ETF Country Exposure analysis developed in a previous post I have done some additional work and updated the analysis to include five ETFs in the app, whereas we originally imported data on 1 ETF. The new notebook ... [Read more...]

Interactive Maps and ETF Analysis

March 7, 2017 | R Views

In this post, I’ll describe a Shiny app to support the Emerging Markets ETF Country Exposure analysis developed in a previous post I have done some additional work and updated the analysis to include five ETFs in the app, whereas we originally imported data on 1 ETF. The new notebook ... [Read more...]

February ’17 Tips and Tricks

March 2, 2017 | R Views

If you spend time with an excellent programmer, one thing that immediately jumps out is how quickly she can write code. It often appears to be magic, the number of keystrokes simply can’t equal the number of characters on the screen. The secret: it doesn’t! Most programmers use ...
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The R Formula Method: The Bad Parts

February 28, 2017 | R Views

R’s model formula infrastructure was discussed in my previous post. Despite the elegance and convenience of the formula method, there are some aspects that are limiting. Limitations to Extensibility The model formula interface does have some limitations: It can be kludgy with many operations on many variables (e.g., ...
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