Articles by R on From System to System

Comparing Ensembl GTF and cDNA

February 6, 2020 | R on From System to System

It seems that most people think Ensembl’s GTF file and cDNA fasta file mean the same transcripts: Watch out! @ensembl's Fasta and GTF annotation files available via do not match (there are transcripts in the GTF not found in the Fasta file. Anyone else ...
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Comparing Ensembl GTF and cDNA

January 31, 2020 | R on From System to System

It seems that most people think Ensembl’s GTF file and cDNA fasta file mean the same transcripts: Watch out! @ensembl's Fasta and GTF annotation files available via do not match (there are transcripts in the GTF not found in the Fasta file. Anyone else ...
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Comparing Ensembl GTF and cDNA

January 30, 2020 | R on From System to System

It seems that most people think Ensembl’s GTF file and cDNA fasta file mean the same transcripts: Watch out! @ensembl's Fasta and GTF annotation files available via do not match (there are transcripts in the GTF not found in the Fasta file. Anyone else ...
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Color palettes inspired by Islamic art

March 2, 2019 | R on From System to System

This post is about my new R package IslamicArt, which provides color palettes inspired by Islamic art. Disclaimer: While I accept the Islamic theology, ethnically speaking, I’m not from the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, or Southeast Asia. However, I do deeply appreciate art and philosophy ...
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R blogs I follow

March 1, 2019 | R on From System to System

This page is about R resources. I also have a list of resources about dialogues between science and religion. One of my favorite aspects of R is the vibrant R community. A way to learn from the community - new tools, cool efficient tricks, something to note about data analysis ... [Read more...]

When principal component is not unique

March 1, 2019 | R on From System to System

This quarter, I’m TAing my adviser’s class on computational biology. Though I have taken this class a year ago and got an A, TAing really deepened my understanding of the course material, much of which I have long been using routinely without thinking, such as principal component analysis (...
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