Visualizing geospatial data in R—Part 3: Making interactive maps with leaflet January 12, 2021 | Nathaniel Schmucker How to create maps that pan, zoom, and click in R using leaflet. [Read more...]
Visualizing geospatial data in R—Part 3: Making interactive maps with leaflet January 12, 2021 | Nathaniel Schmucker How to create maps that pan, zoom, and click in R using leaflet. [Read more...]
Visualizing geospatial data in R—Part 2: Making maps with ggplot2 December 3, 2020 | Nathaniel Schmucker How to create annotated, multi-layered maps and choropleth maps in R using ggplot2. [Read more...]
Visualizing geospatial data in R—Part 1: Finding, loading, and cleaning data November 24, 2020 | Nathaniel Schmucker How to load geospatial data into your workspace and prepare it for visualization. [Read more...]
4 R projects to form a core data analyst portfolio November 6, 2020 | Nathaniel Schmucker Four projects are sufficient to form a core portfolio of data analytics projects that will give you demonstrable experience. [Read more...]
How to make a reprex October 1, 2020 | Nathaniel Schmucker This is example code. This is reproducible code. This is minimal code. [Read more...]