Articles by mrajter

On the relationship of the sample size and the correlation

January 27, 2020 | mrajter

This has bugged me for some time now. There is a “common knowledge” that the correlation size is dependent on the variability, i.e. higher the variability – higher the correlation. However, when you put this into practice, there seems to be a confusion on what this really means. To analyse ...
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A bit more understanding of Cronbach’s alpha

March 27, 2019 | mrajter

Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient is one of the most widely used indicators of the scale reliability. It is used often without concern for the data (this will be a different text) because it is simple to calculate and it requires only one implementation of a single scale. The aim ...
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In memory of Monty Hall

February 12, 2019 | mrajter

Some find it a common knowledge, some find it weird. As a professor I usually teach about Monty Hall problem and year after year I see puzzling looks from students regarding the solution. Image taken from*388/mon+tyhall.jpg The original and most simple scenario ...
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